
Hey i am a 31 year old male from Kentucky just started my first indoor grow using a rubber black flex tub and cfl..6 plants
all are in decent sized pots and 2 took off real nice but killed one while stoned moving the soil around like an idiot ,,yeah shoot me!
the seedlings are growing nice and strong/vegy and most grew up nice as soon as they sprouted dirt i did not germ first other than a glass of water over night because i know it can cause spinley stems ,,none of my seedlings have stretched for light what so ever...I am testing some farm ferts now on 1 plant 10-10-10 just to see how it reacts in the grow medium ... i currently do not have a camera so i will not be displaying any results next to privacy matters... but will do my best to describe the cycle of my plants life ,,,,,sorry i am just a poor man working with what i can for now and will upgrade lights soon ..right now i have 3 reg 23w cfl bulbs in the dark plastic tub the seedlings are reacting very well to the light and one has all 8 of it's first leaves i have a small battery operated fan going .. the room i grow in has lots of fresh air intake being an older drafty house ...any tips that are not put downs would really help being low on income and just doing my first grow to keep em small and get what yield i can and be happy tasting my own product ...btw they are bag seed but only found 1 seed every so often in some good funky bud....This is my introduction just trying to get my feet wet and drawing near the water would like to make some new friends as well or just a person to chop it up with... Much love first time indoor grower peace-Love and Happiness 2 all (L)






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