Recent content by LorDeMO

  1. LorDeMO

    Want to Know If Your Plants are Finished?

    Damn I didn't realise it would be that long as they have been flowering for a while and that's the best lookin' one, some of them are being kinda slow with the pistil growth still. Ah well, I'll just have to wait :) - Should I notice any difference in a few weeks as in should I be looking for a...
  2. LorDeMO

    Want to Know If Your Plants are Finished?

    How long till I can chop? I reckon a couple weeks but I wanna chop her noooooow! Thanks in advance.
  3. LorDeMO

    Darwin awards-the most creative ways of offing yourself

    I hope all those people didn't have children or else the world is fucked.
  4. LorDeMO

    going to get this setup patented.

    Incredibly ghetto.. I love it! What are you gonna do when the plants get bigger, how are you going to support the frame then? Do you have more of those poles or something?
  5. LorDeMO

    all leaves fell off help

    A lot of leaves do fall off by the end of flowering, it's perfectly normal. The plant siphons off the Nitrogen from the leaves to fatten up the buds but you should be feeding your plants a 'lil Nitrogen throughout the flowering phase to keep as many leaves as possible.
  6. LorDeMO

    Flowering light switch.

    Just switch the times, they'll be fine. I had to change my shedule quite a bit on my last grow and had no stressing probs ~
  7. LorDeMO

    This is what i found under my plant???

    Looks like a mushroom to me..
  8. LorDeMO

    blue cheese is on da go need help with apprx yield

    No one can tell you what you will yield, several factors come into play ~ you'll just have to wait and see.
  9. LorDeMO

    Twisted leaves? What's wrong with my plant?

    The cupped leaves make me thing it's heat stress ~ what's your temps?
  10. LorDeMO

    Best cfl for flowering?

    Red Spectrum Light for flower and Blue for veg.
  11. LorDeMO

    Male plants

    Kill it. Males produce pollen, not buds. Males have but one use, to pollinate a female and produce seeds. They can still pollinate your females from a couple hundred feet away and you could always carry pollen on your clothes, just kill it.
  12. LorDeMO

    Germ problem

    This is what I do and I have a 100% success rate so far ~ Get some paper towels, fold them so it's thick (Like the guy said above), wet the paper towels and then put the seeds on the paper towels about 1" apart. Fold the paper towel and put it in a cup with about 1"-2" of water then put the cup...
  13. LorDeMO she dying

    Heat stress? Can't help you without pics..
  14. LorDeMO

    Can hermies revert back to being nearly "normal" females???

    It'll be bud but it would of been stronger without the seeds. Strain?
  15. LorDeMO

    Can hermies revert back to being nearly "normal" females???

    I find it hard to believe, perhaps the plant no longer has need for balls as they have already pollinated themselves?