Recent content by lovebugjulie

  1. lovebugjulie

    First plant growing slowly

    Will put it outside to see what happens and also start over with another plant. Thank you!
  2. lovebugjulie

    First plant growing slowly

    Thank you! Will put it outside after mother's day. Will also start to grow another plant, I have plenty of seeds after all lol
  3. lovebugjulie

    First plant growing slowly

    Thank you!
  4. lovebugjulie

    First plant growing slowly

    Thank you! It's been a learning experience for future growing for sure. Could I save this plant and have a harvest even if it is a small one? Should I move it outside in the sunlight?
  5. lovebugjulie

    First plant growing slowly

    Thank you. I just wanted to see if I can harvest something, I'd be happy with just a small harvest but I wanna know what I'm doing wrong so I don't do it again in the future and maybe try to save this plant. Should I move it outside in the sunlight?
  6. lovebugjulie

    First plant growing slowly

    So I'm pretty sure I am over watering my plant, that's definitely something I already know I'm doing wrong as I was watering pretty much every day, not gonna do that anymore. This plant has been growing for 3 months indoors. Should I transplant into a bigger pot? 2 leaves are starting to wilt at...