These are autos tho, i read i shouldnt transplant autos. As for the pot size you're right, i ordered 5 gl and they sent 7 gl pots
..decided to just keep them and use them without filling to the top :/ hope its not much of a problem
Tyvm! I was wondering if there was any difference between those two and which one was better. Since im.using drip clean every water should i use tap water? Its always at 110-125 ppm out of the tap, should i add the camg?
Mm i don't use then all at once, its just what i have in my room. If u look closely i only have a
base line,
A bloom enhancer
A bloom ripener
Drip clean for keeping salts in place
Florakleen for flushes
As for the organics i dont know where to use then(humic fulvic and hulmic acids are all in...
Hello, this Is muy first Time growing purely coco-perlite mix.
I prebuffered It with General organics CaMg+,
Im running 5 autos in 7 gl airpruning pots.
2 WestCoast Og (fastbuds)
1 Sleepy Yoda (philisopherseeds)
1 Purple Bud (whitelabel)
1 DarkDevil (sweetseeds)
The thing Is ive been reading...