Recent content by mannitu77

  1. M

    Stunted growth - a repeating problem I can not solve. how much par/lumen are you giving them in flower? Any measuring or just by feeling?
  2. M

    what are really the best strains to max out yield on a limited space?

    anbody ever had Amnesia, so he can really draw a comparison?
  3. M

    what are really the best strains to max out yield on a limited space?

    ofc yield is not all i care about, what does yield mean if its only 50% as potent. I just want to max out that space as much as i can. maybe Amnesia isnt so bad after all.
  4. M

    what are really the best strains to max out yield on a limited space?

    ah yeah and whoever said Bluedream---by the graph on the sellers website Amnesia has higher yield than Blue Dream lol....but ive already realized these graphs are for the toilet. Nah i need somebody than can really speak out of experience and already had a bunch of strains, i would appriciate that.
  5. M

    what are really the best strains to max out yield on a limited space?

    if got my trusted seller that i want to keep and support, these are the seeds he offers: Amnesia Blue Dream Aurora Girl Scout K2 Purple Power Critical Crystal Ice Cheese Misty Blue Mystic Top 44 Afghan Jack Herer Diesel White Rhino Urban Poison Ak-48 Northern Light Early Special Big Bud B-52...
  6. M

    what are really the best strains to max out yield on a limited space?

    Hello, ive tried to research strains with high yield, but getting contradicting informations when looking on the sites/graphs of the seller. The flower times also seem to be way off very often. Ive got very limited space in m 70x70x160 cm tent. Ive already built a lamp with a perfect spread now...
  7. M

    anybody know what's wrong with my plant?

    i can confirm most recommendations are way to high. I bought a mineral fertilzer from ebay "probud", that got my 1st grow toxic in 4-5 weeks time. I know that now. Their recommendations were way to high. Bruce Bugbee said youre good with an allround-fertilizer with a ration of 20-10-20 when...
  8. M

    anybody know what's wrong with my plant?

    always better to figuere it out on your own. Conflicting answers? Hell yeah. Same in IT-forums. "Your GPU is shit. you need a new powersupply, you have a bottleneck,. you need more aggressive ram-timings, why you have such a old CPU you noob".... Everybodys allowed to throw his brainfarts into...
  9. M

    Grow-A-Long with Dick

    look at those fat little weasels...shows what happens when they have limited space and eating all day long.
  10. M

    Stunted growth - a repeating problem I can not solve.

    well then take the chance and test it. You have the perfect conditions for that. Take a row of 5 plants and let them grow how much they want. Id be excited to see the conclusions. All plants will have yield, so you have nothing to lose, only knowledge to gain.
  11. M

    Stunted growth - a repeating problem I can not solve.

    Watering really is the absolote majority of mistakes. Followed by too much fertilizer. Some people just cant handle that impuls "man my plant could really use some water now to grow better". If you get the watering right and follow a well established organic-route like Biobizz, theres not much...
  12. M

    Light burn?

    how can you have a runoff ph of 4? Thats a totally insane value. You should only get that if you use mineral fert. for a long time.
  13. M

    Stunted growth - a repeating problem I can not solve.

    my 3 gallon pots can take 2.8-3.0l water...runoff water might give you a wrong impression, if you dont make it right, because when the pot is dry, it takes really long for the water to really reach every spot in the pot. when i water it can take 3-4 hours...first i spray the surface until its...
  14. M

    Stunted growth - a repeating problem I can not solve.

    Glad it helped. If your pot is empty, but your plantz still looks great-give it another day without watering. Very old saying. Even if youre a day too late and the plants droop a little, it doesnt hurt them, they will revover instantly after watering. Overwatering on the other hand does hurt...
  15. M

    Sundopt 720 Watt LED

    why are you guys always go like "man thats 399, thats cheap, or price xy", you know this is Alibaba,it is not for usual customers, only for companies? I mean there will be a lot on top of that, shipping and taxes, right? As far as i know these prices are way less than what you actually pay in...