Recent content by marijuana~momma

  1. marijuana~momma

    think i got overwatering probs

    ah Lobo lobo, momma is awfully proud;);) they look great:D
  2. marijuana~momma

    IRC Wall of Shame

    you all are simply terrible, merciless :D:D:D:D:D
  3. marijuana~momma

    My Super Grow Room

    Stoppin by to see how things are goin, and lookin fine I must say!! :D:D You kinda rock;), but don't tell anyone... :D vanilla.... yummmmmmm
  4. marijuana~momma

    Grow Journal: Hindu Kush - CFL

    lookin good ....:):):) i will track ya now:D
  5. marijuana~momma

    I Once.

    I once fell inlove with a beautiful stranger.... Still dream of im....:):):)
  6. marijuana~momma

    My Super Grow Room

    Whoa nelly, your thread has exploded snoop d o double g..... :):):):) Looking good xxxx:)
  7. marijuana~momma

    Organic Nutrients

    just bumpin it along here, hoping to get some more fascinating facts... Keep em coming people;);)
  8. marijuana~momma

    A JuMbLe of PoEtIc HiGhNeSs

    THanks much, good to hear some positive feed back, usually I am too damn shy to post anything I write. This time I just smoked up and went with it, something halfway decent flowed out i think... :mrgreen: ;);)
  9. marijuana~momma

    A JuMbLe of PoEtIc HiGhNeSs

    Something a bit new, yet altogether old... Something possibly revived, brought in from the cold.. I spiral downwords, looking for light... I haven't yet realized, I am not quite right.. I am my own best company, I don't want to be in charge of affecting eternity.. I want to know the...
  10. marijuana~momma

    Attn ALL Female Members of RIU

    Nah, the kiss on the cheek is definately better than the eggs :)
  11. marijuana~momma

    Organic Nutrients

    Nope, take it away girl :) Give it away, give it away, give it away now...
  12. marijuana~momma

    Organic Nutrients

    I'm coming out so you better get this party started.... ;) :) bump...
  13. marijuana~momma

    1st Grow!! Bagseed grow!!

    Lookin awesome ris...
  14. marijuana~momma

    my leaves are being eaten brown hairs too early

    Okay, Az... I am lookin, and there are so many variables. But it could be a nitrogen deficiency, have you checked that? Keep working on posting, people will start replying in time, just takes a while sometimes... We will get it going.... :)
  15. marijuana~momma

    My Super Grow Room

    Snoop, doing great here! I got a chance to read through your grow today and gotta say I am impressed... Really appreciate all the awesome information, you are a great teech... :) Thanks and keep doing what you do, cause you are certainly doing it right! :) kiss-assand since it sounds like...