Recent content by Maryyjanee420

  1. M

    Seedlings turning yellow

    And top dressing with a bit of sawdust
  2. M

    Seedlings turning yellow

    Soil with a light mix of micronutrients and perlite
  3. M

    Seedlings turning yellow

    Why are my seedlings showing yellow spots on its true leaves. Yesterday I have 2 extra spoons of water in order to maintain ph or is it some other cause? Is it serious
  4. M

    Seedling pots fell over

    I’m hoping it doesn’t stunt their growth. I do see a few changes (in a positive way). So I’m guessing you’re right in my case too :)
  5. M

    Seedling pots fell over

    Tbh it’s nothing special if you compare magic soil with the products available in your country. But this product is the only good ‘live’ soil I could find. Which is basically a mixture of low ec coco peat, perlite, organic manure, seaweed, beneficial microbes and natural additives
  6. M

    Seedling pots fell over

    I immediately dropped the seed in soil and covered it. I’m using magic soil
  7. M

    Seedling pots fell over

    I have a gooseneck led ligh lamp which needed a table support to stand and I temporarily fixed that with cardboard thinking I’ll build the setup next day and pots fell over. Seedlings had just come up. And they fell out of the soil, however I immediately put them back in with some new soil the...
  8. M

    Main stem snapped 2 weeks into flowering.

    Are you saying I should give her 18/6 till she recovers. While she has flowers on her and then continue with 12/12 when she recovers?
  9. M

    Main stem snapped 2 weeks into flowering.

    I watered her with biogas extract to increase the hold of the plant and some diluted lime juice to balance ph
  10. M

    Main stem snapped 2 weeks into flowering.

    I have taped the area together tightly where it snapped. If she starts growing more balls I’ll pluck them out. I am ready to do anything that can help her heal. I’ve been facing silly issues like this from 6 months and this is the first I’ve grown and she came so far
  11. M

    Main stem snapped 2 weeks into flowering.

    I have only one plant at the moment, I was 2 weeks into flowering, everything was going great and all of a sudden I had to hide my plant (didn’t want to get caught) so I accidentally snapped the main stem off :/ it was very healthy but now the leaves are so droopy. I won’t be able to take it if...