Recent content by Matar86

  1. M

    Having issues here need help from experienced growers please

    started seeing brown almost yellow little spots on fans leaving which started to appear over night. What could be the problem here ? Actually I was having potassium deficiency,so I feed them potassium like three days ago before those brown spots started appearing. Those couple little fading...
  2. M

    Any Recommendation for greenhouse corrugate ?

    That’s what I thought well thanks for your input helped alot
  3. M

    Any Recommendation for greenhouse corrugate ?

    Am just curious and was wondering if I can use translucent corrugate for my greenhouse roof top. Would my plants receive sunlight through translucent corrugate?
  4. M

    Milky trichromes

    Anyone,can you please let me know by looking at this picture whether my babies are ripening
  5. M

    Growers experienced help needed

    Wouldn’t you think by waiting longer all the pistils will turn brown ? By looking at it now you can tell Majority stigmas turning light brown with only 30% white sticking out if am right
  6. M

    Growers experienced help needed

    Before I cut these babies down I need you opinion on whether should I cut them down ?
  7. M

    Physical signs of buds ripeness

    Make alot sense .kudos !
  8. M

    Is she ready? Need experienced opinions.

    Been swelling for almost a week now. Indica. Outdoor. Haven’t checked trics yet
  9. M

    Physical signs of buds ripeness

    I find it strange that when my plants are at the 5-7week flowering phase the buds tend to be oily at touch but when it’s near to harvest the oil on the buds tend to reduce . Any in put on that experienced growers ?
  10. M

    Is she ready? Need experienced opinions.

    Am at the last phase of flowering am guessing and looks like she is ready to be chopped but just not sure yet cause do not want to miss the last 2weeks of the flowering phase . Help guys from the experienced growers.
  11. M

    Boiled Bean water as a blooming fertilizer?

    Was wondering since white beans is high on potassium can I use bean water to water my babies ?
  12. M

    Amnesia haze leaf turning purple

    My babies are almost finish flowering but somehow the feeders leaves turning purple . Any experienced growers input will be very helpful and thanks .
  13. M

    Brown sugar as a substitute for molasses’s

    Read an article about feeding plants molasses at flowering stage. unfortunately I don’t have access to black molasses’s, But some recommended brown sugar works as well. What’s you opinion guys.
  14. M

    Pure natural honey vs black molasses

    Was wondering can I substitute black molasses’s with natural pure honey to feed my baby’s At flowering phase?