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  • i am having some trouble with my d.w.c. grow i'm a bit new to it and i am thinking that it could be a number of things. i have been noticing yellowing and brown spots on my leaves as well as drying. i have been doing research for a couple days and have seen a lot of people saying nutrient burn or ph inbalance. i do currently have both a ph and ppm meter. my ph is always between 5.5 and 6.5. at least thats what the meter says. my ppm for younger plants in veg is between 400-600 up to 1100-1200 in flower and the problem only seems to be occuring in my younger plants. i am wondering if i am waiting to long to transplant them into they're own buckets and maybe the roots are drying out or maybe the nutes. problem seems to occur most right after transplant. But it is starting to annoy me having these beutiful little ladies stunt for two weeks or dye all together which has happened to 2 plants and the rest very slowly starting to follow in suit.
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