Recent content by MexicanSon

  1. MexicanSon

    Is this a hermie?

    I guess I had it down as female for non scientific, wishful thinking reasons like: a) I had already had 50% males and B) the other males had shown sex a couple of week earlier than this
  2. MexicanSon

    Is this a hermie?

    Here is a 7 week old Destroyer plant grown from regular seed. I had 4 of these seeds which all sprouted, a male was killed 2 weeks ago and another male 1 week ago. Another is clearly female thank fuck. But what's going on with this one? I had it down as a female at first, bit now I can see...
  3. MexicanSon

    Male right?

    In that case I wouldn't look at getting a male in terms of being a "problem", just something which has a 50% chance of happening, a manifestation of the perfect equilibrium of mother nature if you like
  4. MexicanSon

    Male right?

    Did you buy regular seeds of the blue dream strain?
  5. MexicanSon

    Male right?

  6. MexicanSon

    Too soon for a gender reveal?

    Whats going on here? Boy, girl or herman monster?
  7. MexicanSon

    Too soon for a gender reveal?

    Ok thanks dude. Wierd how tiny pre flowers started to form about a month ago. Now at exactly 2 months of veg and still inconclusive
  8. MexicanSon

    Too soon for a gender reveal?

    Those are the circumstances through which ingot the seeds yes. Are u saying based on the photos you think it might be a hermie?
  9. MexicanSon

    Too soon for a gender reveal?

    Must be sexable now surely:-?
  10. MexicanSon

    Flowering in equatorial latitudes

    Will be two months in a week, intentionally small Well, i mean i just bought some native panama and native Honduras landrace seeds which were quite pricey, and I live in a neighboring country which shares a similar climate to those ones. So I have chosen strains that are adapted perfectly to...
  11. MexicanSon

    Flowering in equatorial latitudes

    Thanks Brewers Toker. I know they are slow, mexican breeders basically talk about 6 months total for sativas. If the flowering is 4 months that means 2 months veg. But what is the trigger for flowering to kick in? If i dont cover will it veg indefinitely? Or until we hit "autumn" and sub 12hr...
  12. MexicanSon

    Flowering in equatorial latitudes

    I'm a newish grower working with sativas outdoors (in pots) in the Yucatan peninsula of Mexico. I get semi tropical Florida-ish conditions with rain in the summer and fall, mediterranean style weather in spring and "cool" humid winters (min 10 celsius at night but that's rare). The light cycle...
  13. MexicanSon

    Too soon for a gender reveal?

    Ok cool. Too eager again. Story of my grow (I'm new at this). Many thanks
  14. MexicanSon

    Too soon for a gender reveal?

    Ok everybody, ten days later and I think it is now possible to ascertain sex. I have taken photos with the camera zoom and the camera through the loupe, neither has turned out great. Sorry
  15. MexicanSon

    Too soon for a gender reveal?
