Recent content by mi5neo

  1. mi5neo

    Is this ready?

    Are these ready?..Wot ya reckon?...:clap:
  2. mi5neo

    Super Cropping Question with pictures

    on pic 4 you have slight yellowing which could indicate N def, you also have some (again) slight yellowing on veins...this says to me, high pH, if your pH is too high it will lock out N and Zinc plus others, which will show in signs such as yours, lower it to 6 to 6.1.Dont water/feed your girls...
  3. mi5neo

    Super Cropping Question with pictures

    Keep me updated man with pics, you gonna love what happens in a few weeks time.
  4. mi5neo

    Super Cropping Question with pictures

    I go 2 nodes and the original top
  5. mi5neo

    Super Cropping Question with pictures

    no, if you supercrop you end up with 6 or 7 main heads, all around the same height (ish) if you dont supercrop you end up with 2 or 3 main heads and lower branches, you'll get more yeild supercropping
  6. mi5neo

    Super Cropping Question with pictures

    Oh abnd one more thing, from pic 4 i'd say you need to give em a drink and watch yer pH, looks a little high to me, should be 6 to 6.1
  7. mi5neo

    Super Cropping Question with pictures

    Dude you've done it right, top it too but what you've done is good...the idea of supercropping is not to make more branches grow from the gives the smaller side shoots chance to catch up with the head you've supercropped, it will strengthen the branch is only a good thing...
  8. mi5neo

    the man who cannot sprout a single seed :(

    Take 1 plate, place on this 4 sheets of kitchen towel, soaked but not dripping, put your seeds on the paper towel, cover with 4 more sheets, again wet but not dripping, cover with another plate, wrap the whole thing in a bath or hand towel, place this package into a room with a constant temp of...
  9. mi5neo

    need medical strain advise

    Dude I have the same medical problems you do and i find 'green spirit' very good, you dont get paranoid, its a nice smoke, fairly low THC levels but does the job, check it out.
  10. mi5neo

    Ideal Temp and Humidity??

    Dude the best advise i can give you you growroom first, then grow in it, not start growing your babies then build your room around them, if you wanna get it right, do it right, ffs.
  11. mi5neo

    i need help with food

    dude, you can use ''tomatorite'' and molasses, i used em last time, works great and costs next to nothing, most of these nutes you buy are a rip off. Keep it simple.
  12. mi5neo

    first grow... ive ran into a minor problem... could use some help?

    dude, your plants would show you if it were too cold in the dark period and your plants aren't showing the right signs for it being too cool in dark, also you are in soil so you dont need to adjust your pH at all, those that say you do in soil are idiots, if you ph correct your water to put in...
  13. mi5neo

    A.N. High Yeild Kit

    pH for coco should be 6 or as near to it as possible.
  14. mi5neo

    I need yo guesstimation & help!!!!!!

    dude it looks fine as it is, get the light closer, you dont want height at this stage, when you put it to flower the height will triple.
  15. mi5neo

    A shyte strain...

    Green spirit....It's a nightmare, very tempremental and has little tollerance to mistakes, a strain for the very advanced grower me thinks...showed signs of distress if pH went above or below 6.05, showed signs of distress if humidity not kept at 65%, it didn't root well from the outset and...