Recent content by Michicalirado

  1. Michicalirado

    RootBeer Bx2/R1/S1 any one?

    Yes! Blackbird reservations crossed Coca Cola x root beer bx2 this was 9 hour ago
  2. Michicalirado

    Pacific seedbank good / bad

    They're real i had ordered some 3x crazy from them wk 10 starting flush today
  3. Michicalirado

    Pacific seedbank?

    Try it out! The only reason ive ordered is bc ive been looking for 3x crazy (optimus prime) seeds and cant find em nowhere
  4. Michicalirado

    Pacific seedbank?

    No problem
  5. Michicalirado

    Pacific seedbank?

    Ordered some 3x crazy seeds and they came i had seen your thread so i got a little worried myself but they're here cant wait to see what they do
  6. Michicalirado

    Pacific seedbank?

    Im with you i seen they had 3x crazy seeds and took a shot in the dark a couple days ago so i'll let you know.