Recent content by MimiEMU

  1. MimiEMU

    RxCE who's done it, tips and tricks?!

    I am the owner and author of everything on CHS. I consider Gray Wolf to be my mentor plus he's a really nice guy. The things on CHS would never have been put together without him and input from other on Future4200.
  2. MimiEMU

    RxCE who's done it, tips and tricks?!

    Hey All, Since I'm here, does anyone have questions on the RxCE process?
  3. MimiEMU

    RxCE who's done it, tips and tricks?!

    I did. I went thru the home page login and created another account and it worked, didn't get booted.
  4. MimiEMU

    RxCE who's done it, tips and tricks?!

    Weird thing happened with Discord. Seems Discord has a bug in the system. I clicked that link, entered my name, claimed the profile, then got immediately booted for 'violating community standards'. I think joining via an invite is broken. I have never been on Discord before this.
  5. MimiEMU

    RxCE who's done it, tips and tricks?!

    Regarding salt, that played a significant role in RSO 2.0 by salting out Isopropyl which caused a snow globe effect separating out the semi-polar compound. RxCE is simpler, an optional teaspoon of salt is used to help break the water/oil emulsion that happens on the first reduction.
  6. MimiEMU

    RxCE who's done it, tips and tricks?!

    Howdy! i wrote that page. Lying about GRAS? No, Isopropyl, Acetone and Ethyl Acetate are all FDA class 3 solvents with a Conditional GRAS for food content. Yes, the volumes are restricted down to residual solvent levels, but it is allowed in food as stated in the FDA pages. How would you...
  7. MimiEMU

    Extractions at home

    Hey, that article says "That chemical is methylene chloride, a colorless liquid that’s used in certain industrial processes, ..", not ethyl acetate. Please vet your info before posting.
  8. MimiEMU

    extraction with isopropyl

    You're right. Here's more, read this. This shows the actual numbers when talking about residual solvents.
  9. MimiEMU

    Extractions at home

    This past month, I published a study on looking at how our bodies process solvents and the govt regulations on residual quantities. Turns out, Isopropyl and Acetone are safer than Ethanol down at the residual level. The most important information in the solvent wars is never discussed. Decades...
  10. MimiEMU

    Can I make rso with water?

    The hot water is going to dissolve a lot of plant material into the fats, waxes and oils you manage to melt off. It will be a mess. Google 'RSO RxCE', look for Cannabis Home Sciences RxCE Home Page. This process uses water but is still a solvent extraction. The solvent is used to dissolve...
  11. MimiEMU

    Decarb Oil for Gummies

    Yeah, I have to update the video. The 3 wash was an optimization employed after publishing. I'm solving one problem in distilling where sediments have to be collected, so thats basically done. The process is pretty complete now, so its time for a new video. The filtering I'm using are during...
  12. MimiEMU

    Decarb Oil for Gummies

    Daytime is more THC, whereas nighttime starts weighing in towards CBN. when CBD and THC convert to CBN, it makes it sedative, but also it takes longer to kick in. I've had oil where it took 3 hrs for an onset. Stupid question - are you sure this was cannabis/THC not hemp/CBD?
  13. MimiEMU

    Decarb Oil for Gummies

    You are basically making classic RSO by washing the plant and boiling that down to 'oil'. If you had that tested, you'd have about 40% Total Cannabinoids, which means 60% is sludge. If you want to make cleaner more potent oil, I published a simple hack for medical patients to refine RSO to near...
  14. MimiEMU

    Decarb Oil for Gummies

    Well, it sounds like you went too long. You saw 225f and that around the transition between water bubbles ending and C02 bubbles coming on. See the red line in the illustration? Before that line is 'Daytime' oil and to the right 'Nighttime' oil. I think you got to that point when you let it...
  15. MimiEMU

    Decarb Oil for Gummies

    I'd have to see pictures of the final stage of your decarbing but your setup sounds reasonable. Use a digital thermometer to make sure you're reaching 250f. Here's a graphic to show you the phases of reduction and decarbing.