Recent content by mjmcgaren

  1. mjmcgaren

    Garnden Basics All Purpose Plant Food

    I have a box of Garden Basics All Purpose Plant Food. I was wondering would that be good nutes for right now since I dont have money right now.. It saids it has 6-10-10 Nitrogen, Phosphate, and Potassium.. Would that work??
  2. mjmcgaren


    i cant find that lol... i hope this soil works... thanks everything
  3. mjmcgaren


    i wont be able to get that... i guess i hope the soil will do it since i dont have the money right now.. thanks
  4. mjmcgaren


    im using Miracle-Gro Moisture Control Potting Mix and it saids Absorbs 33% more water than ordinary soils, to protect against over-and under-watering. and Feeds plants for up to 3 months. and the Fertilizer Analysis is 0.21 - 0.07 - 0.14..... would just that work...
  5. mjmcgaren


    im using miracle-gro compost stuff. it say's it has nutes in it... would that just work???
  6. mjmcgaren


    ok what is the cheapest way to get nutes just for right now.... after i get it going i will get better but not much money right now.... can i get some from outside or anything??
  7. mjmcgaren


    if i just use tap water and no nutrients will they still grow???
  8. mjmcgaren


    If I was Miracle-Gro Water Soluble All Purpose Plant Food and mix with just tap water would it help my plants?.... Im using 400watt and 250watt metal halide bulbs....
  9. mjmcgaren

    Metal Halide

    lol thanks. im really reading and learning.. and my dad got everything back in the day.. the bulbs r brand new thats it... if i make it 2 rooms... can i use 1 400watt in each room. if they r small
  10. mjmcgaren

    Metal Halide

    dude thanks for everything... i love this site lol
  11. mjmcgaren

    Metal Halide

    but do i use 400 watt the whole time. in the flowering and veg.
  12. mjmcgaren

    Metal Halide

    .... im using 175 and 400 watt metal halide bulbs... i thought about putting the 175 watt one for the first part and 400 watt for bud.......... what do u think...........
  13. mjmcgaren

    Metal Halide

    i do have the things to put over the lights. the lights work. i need to know how do i use them. like the 175watt for the first part and the 400 watt for the bud......
  14. mjmcgaren

    Metal Halide

    nevermind my camera is broke could anybody help me
  15. mjmcgaren

    Metal Halide

    and post them on here sorry