Recent content by mkay420

  1. mkay420

    stealth 100 watt cfl grow

    well thats good... might have been mold.. if thats the case give her a little spritz with the fungicide and you should be ok.
  2. mkay420

    stealth 100 watt cfl grow

    ok if you can peel it off it is an insect called a scale. they will eat your plant and multiply. you can kill them with neem oil and other such products. you can usually find these type of things at walmart for around 6-10 dollars. if you are budding dont use any foliar insecticide that isnt...
  3. mkay420

    stealth 100 watt cfl grow

    is it just discoloration or is there an indent or does it seem to be soft in that spot? just under the lowest two nodes? how close to the soil are they?
  4. mkay420

    stealth 100 watt cfl grow

    a picture would help.... what doe the spot look like? is it raised up, flat, round, square..... pictures are worth a thousand words.
  5. mkay420

    Ladybug showed up from nowhere? Should I be concerned?

    i thought this had happened to me as well. i did a little research and realized it wasnt thrips at all it was springtails and they are actually very beneficial to the soil. do some research and keep this in mind, you may be trying to kill good insects
  6. mkay420

    stealth 100 watt cfl grow

    this has been covered already
  7. mkay420

    stealth 100 watt cfl grow

    you can use ona gel... what you do is get some ona gel, cut ALOT of holes in the lower half of a 5 gal bucket, mount a fan on top pointing down into the bucket, put a little ona gel in the bottom of the bucket, turn on fan and place in grow box or anywhere you want to absorb/neutralize the odor...
  8. mkay420

    Converting months to weeks

    technically you cant convert that to weeks flowered. unless you kmnow the schedule for sunrise and sunset to determine when the plant swtiches to flowering mode.... or you could just mark your flowering at the starting when you begin to see flowers and time it form then to determine approximate...
  9. mkay420

    What's the earliest you can actually smoke a plant?

    this is the exact reason why i dnt clean my bowls all the time... or hardly ever. hahahaha althought right now im smokin on some trim i took from a smaple bud that i took like two days ago
  10. mkay420

    Plant problem

    looks like possible overwatering, make sure you let the soil dry out for a couple days befoe you water.. lift your pot and when it feels light then it is time to water. marijuana likes well drained soil and apreciates the soil drying out for a coupe before getting wet again.
  11. mkay420

    Growing inside a Enclosed Trailer in the driveway!!

    This is exactly what iw as thinking. Even if you vent all of that heat outside its still goona be a huge plume of infrared trouble when the flir rolls through... be very very careful. especially now that its getting to be winter.... it will be such a huge diffeence in temp they will be able to...
  12. mkay420

    pot too narrow?!!

    you should always pot intsomething at least 1.5 times beiiger each direction
  13. mkay420

    stealth 100 watt cfl grow

    normally when talking about cfls you only use the actual wattage rating as the "equivalent" watt rating is just bs to show you how much energy you save for the same amount of light. the actual watts are the power that it uses and therefore is the correct rating to use.
  14. mkay420

    This is amazing!

    I was just cruising youtube cuz i was bored and came across this..... this is incredible
  15. mkay420

    Good example of LST

    what strain is the second pic? i really like the way those buds look... thats damn frosty!