Little update to my setup. I shared my code on GitHub. This is not a tutorial and there is 0 help on how to go about building what I have done, more of a reference for myself and others. It is messy, lots of crap I don't use anymore (mostly template sensors) and some left over automations and...
I like those graphs. What card is that? Would like to add those to my bar graph page. As for auto dosing. That is my next step once I am 100% on the environment setup. Plan to use PH dosing along side a concentrated tank of Jacks A,B and Epson for auto mixing. I already have the solenoids and...
Using a DHT22 with ESPHOME on a nodemcuv2 for one of them and the ambient temp sensor from the GY-906 IR temp sensor. They are within .4 of each other all the time so I know they are working. Thinking of making an alert if they go more than 5 degrees apart.
Also wanted to point out, I took control of my minisplit using Tasmotair on a node MCU with IR LED's and IR Receivers. This git has a great custom component to make a Climate entity. I placed the IR blaster and receiver inside the control box of my minisplit (Cooper&Hammer) so no interference...
So I made a lot of progress on my own instance of this. would love to compare and see if we can swap ideas, maybe slack or discord or something, I still need to add my feed tank water level sensors, dehu/ro tank sensors and light intensity sensors. I'll be putting what I have so far in place...
I have been working on the same thing myself. I have HA running on a NUC for my home but will be using a RPI4 for this as I do not want all the room controls in my homekit and the Echo's the kids have access to. That can be a costly event if they change settings by accident. Will be relying 100%...