Recent content by Mr. Good

  1. Mr. Good

    Help with FoxFarm soils

    Ocean Forest can be "hot" for seedlings so careful with germination. The food is already there for the first couple months so it makes things easy but eventually they will need to be fed. As far as the ratios go use 60% Ocean Forest and 40% CocoGro if you want a faster draining soil. The...
  2. Mr. Good

    Help with FoxFarm soils

    Ocean Forest is a wise choice. If you want faster dry/drain times cut the Ocean Forest with Light Warrior or I like to cut it with CocoGro (coconut coir)
  3. Mr. Good

    Am I on to something here?

    Lets say I live in Michigan where we now have the medical marijuana act. Here it is legal to have up to 12 plants and/or 2.5oz on person....and I do admit to not knowing the law exactly. Anyways, you all must know how difficult it has been here to try to get a card...doctors are tough...the...
  4. Mr. Good

    10 free seeds from Nirvana!! Pay nothing!!

    The above link takes you to a website that lists a dozen or so hydroponic shops along the left side tool bar. One of those is DH...
  5. Mr. Good

    Potassium Seems I cant keep using my ph up!

    Potassium Carbonate...excuse me.
  6. Mr. Good

    What Vegetables Can You Clone For KICK ASS SALSA!!!

    Thanks, Im gonna try that recipe of yours.
  7. Mr. Good

    Potassium Seems I cant keep using my ph up!

    I use a pool ph up granular that is potassium bicarbonate. My 6 week flowering ladies look.....average. The older fan leaves are showing the same exact signs as in the pictures in the thread "plant problems check here first"...which btw thanks! So is my ph up doing this? Is it my Kool Bloom...
  8. Mr. Good

    why are my leaves doing this? PICS

    Cut back on the nutes some.
  9. Mr. Good

    Please Look & Please Help!

    Here are some pictures. These are in hydroton fed 4 times a day and off at night. Water temp < 65 Air temp 78-80 day and 74-76 night PH 5.5 and rising due to pythium issue from past. running strong nutes and thought I had enough cal-mag going but maybe not. Can you confirm that this is cal...
  10. Mr. Good

    Anyone able to share a proven formula using Kool Bloom/Gravity/CalMag/Lucas Formula

    What's the record for the number of times someone HAS to BUMP their own thread??? ....I'm focused....I'm going for it...
  11. Mr. Good

    Anyone able to share a proven formula using Kool Bloom/Gravity/CalMag/Lucas Formula

    I also want to know how you are supposed to figure the "extras". I use the Lucas Formula. My 2 to 1 ratio with bloom and micro from GH seems to work fine. First time through an aeroponic grow though I am a bit confused. I am now able to start using gravity but want to know is this something...
  12. Mr. Good

    How Many People Need To Believe The World Is A Ball?

    If you don't think so then you need to read about the "double slit experiment"...electrons behaving differently because they were aware that they were being observed... ....:weed:good stuff though!
  13. Mr. Good

    Radishes In Hydro?

    I'm trying to imagine that
  14. Mr. Good

    Rotting branches?

    Powdery mildew...increase air circulation and hold off on spraying them for a while. :weed: