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  1. M

    Quantum apocalypse , to kill mites

    Quantum apocalypse is available at most grow shops in Rhode Island or the web site:
  2. M

    Quantum apocalypse , to kill mites

    You can get Quantum Apocalypse at: or most grow shops in Rhode Island.
  3. M

    Light opinion 2 400 watts or 1 1000watt...

    I have a 8 by 10 by 7 foot grow room - I am putting in two 1000 watt HPS lights - would I save money by wiring them to 220 rather than 110??? MRW
  4. M

    When or if you should flush nutes
  5. M

    When or if you should flush nutes

    My grow room is 10 x 8 x 7 - 560 sq. feet. - One 1000 watt hps - will add another 1000 next week - I try to rotate a few plants every week - around 10 or 12. This is only my second try at growing - first by myself. The room is completely air tight - cement floor - drain to sewer - completely...
  6. M

    When or if you should flush nutes

    During lights off or on?? MRW
  7. M

    Old OverGrow member finally finds a forum

    Hi - I also am growing in soil - my first harvest. I have some great buds. White Widow - Cush - Cemdog. My question. Should you flush during lights on or off. I would think you could drain more nutrients out of the soil during darkness. But, would that be draining them too fast?? Would...