Recent content by Mumbo Jumbo

  1. Mumbo Jumbo

    Sakura, New Beginnings Take Flight...

    The things that fuck us up most are our thoughts on what we believe we should have and feel. Accept yourself, don't fight it, accept your perception on the world and understand that it is just that, your perception. Take what you want from it, you control whether that's good or bad. You don't...
  2. Mumbo Jumbo

    Easiest Shrooms to grow???

    only screwing with ya. here's some reputation for a great answer
  3. Mumbo Jumbo


    I'm tired of people sitting on their high horse on the internet, dude just shut up already lol. What's with all the personal attacks and trying to make op feel like shit for growing a plant? There's other ways to let him know he shouldn't do that, no need to be a prick about it. @op. Dude...
  4. Mumbo Jumbo

    This is what a police state looks like.

    Sad truth right here, and the media only encourages it :( im going to go smoke a joint now because this shit bums me out. hope the best for the family and friends of the victims :( as for the amount of armed forces they've sent in, better safe than sorry. i understand this in an invasion...
  5. Mumbo Jumbo

    Best time to start outdoor grow in NY?

    Best time to start your outdoor season is indoors before the season starts :leaf:
  6. Mumbo Jumbo

    Need help to identify leaves problems (photos inside)

    Flip through these pictures and match your leaves to the pictures. It's best to look at the ones with the earlier stage problems since the older ones are too jacked up to tell. Good luck and more info = more help. :leaf:
  7. Mumbo Jumbo

    Dick Pics- Enjoy

    i want all of you to do some deep thinking on the reasons behind you clicking on this thread
  8. Mumbo Jumbo

    You're awesome, momma! :bigjoint::leaf:

    You're awesome, momma! :bigjoint::leaf:
  9. Mumbo Jumbo

    FnShaggy's Strain: Hippy Beater

    dude, was your mom a manager at a strip club or something? that chicks got some moves, hit me up with her number. or tell her to email me at :leaf:
  10. Mumbo Jumbo

    why o why

    toss a link up in this bitch :leaf: ... Never mind, I got it
  11. Mumbo Jumbo

    How Hot Dogs are made!

    Honestly, not as bad as I thought it would be. :leaf:
  12. Mumbo Jumbo

    how my 4 week plant look

    Nice.. At 5 weeks, I'd put her right in the ground already. That's just me though.
  13. Mumbo Jumbo

    IndiGo Slam

    Your daughter's random keyboard notes fit in well with the song, I like them lol. Delmar's is my favorite, very relaxing song. You have talent, keep it up! :leaf:
  14. Mumbo Jumbo

    An Attack Without Provocation

    lol. Digging your optimism. You should feel good about yourself since you gave an insect the ride of his life :clap:. I use neem oil. Nice and organic, harmless. I have no bug issues at the moment and I'm grow outdoors where there's lots of bugs flying here and there. :leaf:
  15. Mumbo Jumbo

    why was i a banned

    Asking for something you need? If you were asking for a hookup with only a few posts, that just screams cop. So that might explain it. It's not too bad here, you usually deserve to be banned when you're banned. Just be cool about it and get back out there (without asking for hookups). :leaf: