Just looking for some suggestions on a PH meter. There are a ton of options, so was looking to see what has worked as far as ease of use and accuracy for folks out here.
I have well water can't use the tap, I use distilled since I started growing but I may just switch to RO water from the store. I don't have an RO system.
Now I'm thinking I should have cut it back a bit, my plant isn't going to need a Gal of water. It was getting pretty bad so if was Cal it was needing quite a bit.
I got some Cal-Mag today and gave it 5ml in a 500ml bottle of water and dumped it. Normal watering day is tomorrow. Thanks for the info about the leaves, I didn't think about letting the necrosis getting close to flower so I trimmed and pulled some that were getting close. On the positive side...
Well I stopped taking off the leaves and now there are a lot more, the plant still seems healthy. I think maybe my light is too close, so I turned it down some.