Recent content by muyoso

  1. M

    light cycle question???

    The reason that its 1 per pot is because half of your plants are probably male, meaning that you either let them all grow out and then you have shitty end product full of seeds, or you cut down the males and then the roots rot and risk killing your other plants. My advice, either pull them up...
  2. M

    Will this grow closet work? Need help!

    You do understand that a closet grow is not exactly silent, and these fans and shit make a fair bit of noise. You said that the grow cannot be detected by someone entering your room. If there are going to be people who cannot discover the grow entering presumably your bedroom, you should not...
  3. M

    Friend and I grow to split up harvest?

    50/50 split. Should have cloned it out before 12/12 and then whatever you did with the clones could have been yours to keep. He assumed risk buying the seeds and you assumed risk growing the plant. No reason to piss off a friend over a small amount of MJ.
  4. M

    Would these inline duct fans work?

    What I did, was connect a 6" inline from home depot to each side of my 400w HPS. It allowed for pretty good airflow, and allowed for the plants to be less than 5" away from the glass. They whine a bit when they are on, but they seem to do that job. I went for them because they were much...
  5. M

    Root Mass vs Yield

    I am thinking that the LST may negate the height problem for increasing the buckets from 1 gallon to 5. Very excited about trying it. Heights being equal though, would a 5 gallon bucket with a higher root mass produce bigger heavier buds than a 1 gallon bucket? Thanks a lot for the responses.
  6. M

    Root Mass vs Yield

    I want to know what the REAL world difference, nothing theoretical, is of using 5 gallon buckets vs 1 gallon buckets for growing. I have a limited grow space, with limited vertical space. Obviously, I can fit more 1 gallon buckets into the space than 5 gallon buckets. The question really...
  7. M

    Cooltube or no colltube ?????

    3 ft height? You cannot use a HPS with 3 ft of height to work with. The lamp will take up 9 inches, the pot you are growing in another 10 at least, you would be looking at less than a 1 ft tall plant. Even if you flower from seed it would exceed that. I use a 400w HPS in a 2x3x5 space. It...
  8. M

    Need help with my first set up!!!!!!!!!

    Soil is always a great starting point, but If I could go back and do my first grow again, I would do them in Hempy buckets. They grow SOOOOO much more vigorously and flushing is easy. Check out the threads on this site for Hempy Buckets, they are easy and awesome.
  9. M

    Compact closet grow, is this too small?

    When you say "box" you aren't talking cardboard are you? That would be a GIGANTIC fire hazard with an HPS.
  10. M

    Does anyone use the Freaken Wick System anymore

    It would also be a pain when you want to change the concentration of nutes.
  11. M

    Yield Question? 12 plants 2000 watts

    You will not achieve 1 gram a watt. That is an EPIC grow when you can achieve that, with EVERYTHING going perfect. Half a gram a watt is more normal for an average grow to achieve. You can safely bet you can produce .5 grams/watt.
  12. M

    How long til shes done?

    You need to pray, and then buy 6 grams and tape it to your plant.
  13. M

    Clone Gel VS. Clone Powder

    The reason the powder is better, is that after the first watering, it forms a gel. So more of the rooting hormone stays on the clone for longer. The gel will wash off after the firts or second watering. The powder stays on for several.
  14. M

    how much bud approx.?

    About 5 grams. On another note, I really think you should get more lights. Of course, by "get more lights", I mean throw away the ones you have now and buy an HPS. Also, your question is impossible to answer, and you have obviously not done any searching throughout this site, or you would...
  15. M

    LED grow lights - Any good?

    Buy an HPS. In a few years, LED might be mature. Its not ready for the bigtimes yet.