Recent content by Naraku

  1. N

    Peat's Fertilizer, Anyone herd of them?

    i have half a bag of this so called Peat's Plant Food.they have worked very good but i cant find any info at all on them.. it was given to me by a friend and a couple others highly recomended them.. but like i say i cant find their feed chart or any info on the brand anywhere.. i have been...
  2. N

    Is she done flowering?

    yes its done.. atleast as done as its gonna get anyway.. this happend this way due to the single low wattage/output 23W blub you had it under it wasent intakeing enough light to fully devlope before it flowered so it scrambled into flower and tried to produce whatever it could as fast as it...
  3. N

    Hydroponics system rootound?

    alright. i have 5 baby (girls i hope) in a hydro system. there only a week old right now.. so no sence in pics at this time.. what my biggest question is this. i have 4 seperated starter trays (the standard trays you'll find in about any garden center) i have modified them to work with my hydro...
  4. N

    Got Busted With My Secret Closet Last Night..Need Expert Help

    they did have reason to believe there was weed there they had evidence but regardless in my option they performed a illegal search you told them that you dident want them to go upstairs leagly they would have had to acquire a search warrent but by denieing them right to search you almost say...
  5. N

    Grow lights kill vampires

    it's a Ultraviolet light they are used for growing in some cases i don't know what the actual bulb was but in the storyline they named it as a Ultraviolet light and they are used to grow i use one for my grow it greatly enhances the development of THC
  6. N

    How could you not get high?

    Yea this does happen.. the first two times i smoked i didn't get high at all maybe it was dirt shit maybe i didn't take a big enough hit i cant really say what causes you to not get high the first time but the 3rd time i smoked wow i was so fucking ripped i was laughing uncontrollably and i was...
  7. N

    Germination Slow?

    how long should i separate watering for seedlings the peat moss holds water should i not water for 2-3 days at a time or should i water more often
  8. N

    Hydro Nutes Question?

    alright i have a question.. im debating something here i've been looking at the Technaflower B.C line of hydro nuets and considering them but i can only order them offline and i really dont want to have to wait for a supply all the time as we dont have a hydro store anywhere arround here what...
  9. N

    Germination Slow?

    i posted this in another section of the forum with not much helpful response here are the details of my setup DWC Hydro System 4 planter Peat moss as a soil substitute Hydroton as support and water retainment 2 2750 Lumens CFL @ 4 feet away (added closer to flower will be a UVB Bulb) on...
  10. N

    My first grow.. Early stages questions

    this is a legit question.. and yet nobody wants to help.. why is that im just looking to collaborate with other growers and i'd greatly appericate others options so if anyone has any advice or comments it will be much appericated
  11. N

    My first grow.. Early stages questions

    i recently checked and the two seeds i put directly into the peat moss have now germinated and sprouted white roots however still no above ground activity do certain seeds or strains take longer to break ground?
  12. N

    My first grow.. Early stages questions

    ermm.. i was wearied that i'd hear that..i dunno when i germinated the seed it sprouted a big white root.. it was probley three quarters of a inch long and i transplanted it into the peat moss from there. i dont have any nuets on them at this stage i do have lights but they are a good 3-4 feet...
  13. N

    My first grow.. Early stages questions

    alright this is my first grow.. i have a DWC Hydroponic system and im using Peat pellets as a soil substitute around that i have hydroton pellets my question is that one of my seeds i know for a fact has germinated i transplanted it into the peat after germinating it in another way.. my big...