Recent content by Natea

  1. N

    1212 Seed Company - Fem Seed Giveaway!

    Mine came in, thank you so much @Senokai and 1212 Seeds! Some fire in these packs
  2. N

    1212 Seed Company - Fem Seed Giveaway!

    Wow thank you @Senokai!
  3. N

    Phlizon Giveaway is Comming Back! CLOSED WINNER PICKED

    1. Keep it as simple as possible 2. USA @Burndoggin @Doug Dawson I'm so glad to be in the running for this great light!
  4. N

    1212 Seed Company - Fem Seed Giveaway!

    Alien apple Breath fems all the way!
  5. N

    Take a pack leave a pack, part two

    Alright, because of the site starting up I will try to offer something else to resurrect the thread. My new offering: >>>10 pack Bog Bubble F2 regs<<<
  6. N

    Christmas Giveaway - Royal Queen Seeds CLOSED WINNER PICKED

    Green Gelato is my pick over here!
  7. N

    Create Your Perfect RQS Christmas Wishlist

    I would go for.. The Jawbreaker! Thanks for the tag @Wild_aussie
  8. N

    Spider Farmer Black Friday Giveaway & New Product Test!!

    I'm thinking the self watering kits!! Thanks for the opportunity
  9. N

    Take a pack leave a pack, part two

    I will take those @stonehead69! And leave: >>>10 pack Island Sweet Skunk x Frosted Cobra<<< regs
  10. N

    Spider Farmer New Product Season & Giveaway(Oct - Nov)

    I've got to get me one of those systems, nice!
  11. N

    Play to Win!

    black cushion in front of white one,no spider in web, one candle not lit, 1 tomb stone missing in picture on wall, pumpkin pulling a different face, whiskers on cat are different, fern missing a bit, vivosun logo reversed, spider in grow tent missing, time is different on the clock.
  12. N

    Spider Farmer New Product Season & Giveaway(Oct - Nov)

    I could use most of it, especially the pruning sheers and magnifying glass
  13. N

    Take a pack & leave a pack community thread

    I will definitely snag those @Big Pauly, and leave: An 8 pack of Ice Cream Cake #5 S1 fems
  14. N

    Artrix Summer Celebration: Pick Your Favorites & Win Free Vapes!

    Got these in from Attic, and they are great! I love the design and feel of them plus the A+ packaging. Thank you!