Recent content by naturalmystic420

  1. naturalmystic420

    My dream closet

    Those are the usual symptoms of high heat for hydro... I don't do soil, so can't help you there...hope you get the advice need to remedy that issue.
  2. naturalmystic420

    My dream closet

    Curling up means temps are too high...I've learned the hard way. Open that tent, or get more air flow...they are too young to be curling already...
  3. naturalmystic420

    Pull up a seat, there's room for everyone

    Brilliant run mate... Should be the best return on any indo grow I've seen if all goes smooth...
  4. naturalmystic420

    WW Nirvana

    Looking healthy...You may want to consider pruning them bottom up before they get too far into flower. Displace some of that energy and you won't regret it.
  5. naturalmystic420


    This place is a joke...Ban me so I don't have to waste my time deleting my profile. Thank you
  6. naturalmystic420

    My BlueWidow Cross...

    Progressing well jonny...Lovin those snowy trichs. glistening...
  7. naturalmystic420

    How much high quality chronic do you sell?

    Don't ask that shit...Either you have zero common sense or you are DEA...Get the fuck out dude...
  8. naturalmystic420

    kinda worried...

    Transplant, or suspend them on a rack of some sort... Just not too long. Got a pic?
  9. naturalmystic420

    Docs New Indoor Grow

    Best indo soil grow journal right now...Good shit Doc...
  10. naturalmystic420

    Docs New Indoor Grow

    Not laughing at the veg. chamber...It's a little tight, but the girls look healthy. Good to see you picked up a better cam. The girls in flower are loving life...Keep it dude.
  11. naturalmystic420

    Grow Journal Contest

    Don't be sorry, but use some common sense bro. I realize you are probably new to growing, so do some reasearch and check out some journals. I've been growing for years, and am still learning alot. There is alot of info out there, so don't try to gain it all in one thread... Good Luck with...
  12. naturalmystic420

    Grow Journal Contest

    Hey FrostickZero...Someone has to say it... Stop asking stupid questions. YES, you can. Cannabis can be cultivated in many different ways, and soil just happens to be one of them... As a matter of fact, it is the original method (duh). The ppm meter would help out your soil grow, but...
  13. naturalmystic420

    First Closet Grow <:BlUeBeRrY:>

    Better pics...They look healthy. Give the bottom leaves a good trim and let the flowering begin...So far so good.
  14. naturalmystic420


    They are all very healthy so far... If you are not too opposed to it, I would probably trim the girls up starting at the bottom. You just started flowering, so taking a couple lower sets from the girls will not effect the final yeild...It will only help it. Take those lower sets, and...
  15. naturalmystic420

    First Grow, Bagseeds, Come take a look!!!

    Looks like some good Blueberry there...I didn't read all the pages to see, but great pics...They resemble BB, and I wouldn't doubt that could be the strain... Great colas...