Recent content by newb985

  1. newb985

    I Guess I'll Just Flush These Buds Down The Toilet

    Lol that post made me feel pretty jealous. It's hard enough getting stuff around here then when you hear about people elsewhere where it's sooo damn easy to get and much cheaper >:o
  2. newb985

    So what do you guys think about Japans recent tsunami and there nuclear plants

    Besides that obvious stuff that can go wrong with this--the area becoming toxic to live in, harm to that general area's environment, etc.-- it's kind of scary for me to think about the global warming situation as it is. I always think about those fires that happen in Cali every year and on the...
  3. newb985

    Having a problem with a professor at school

    Anyone ever have a problem with a professor at school? There's a long and short version of my story and I don't think everyone wants to sit and read the whole thing but basically I got screwed when the seller I bought my books from online didn't ship the books in time--so I basically was screwed...
  4. newb985

    Time for the dreaded drug test (suggestions needed)

    Welp I got a job at fedex as a package handler. It's only a part time position and didn't know whether or not they would drug test me, but the guy told me that they WILL be drug testing me. I have weed in my system from semi-regular use (not every day, more like 3-5 days a week) and have...
  5. newb985

    A Real Quick Question For The Ppl Familiar With Computers

    You guys actually offered some great responses, I thought I would get tooled on for talking about technology in a stoner forum (not judging by the way, I smoke plenty). Anyways, It looks like my western digital 250gb external has more RPM but my samsung (aka lacie) hard drive has more space and...
  6. newb985

    A Real Quick Question For The Ppl Familiar With Computers

    This is so random but I have 2 external hard drives, one is 500GB the other is 250GB The 250 has it's own power source and plugs in via USB, the larger one that's 500 doesn't have it's own power source and it also plugs in via USB. My question is this I'm trying to figure out which one I...
  7. newb985

    Being Frugal!

    I stopped buying fast food almost completely, pretty much cut way down on stuff like ordering pizza and whatnot. Pretty much just try to make it so that I am only spending money on necessities and not waste on stuff that I don't need. There's still stuff that I spend money on that I really don't...
  8. newb985

    Site To Buy Painkillers Online

    This is just for informational purposes of course and I'm not linked to the forum in anyway as a little disclaimer. But I wanted to know if anyone would recommend any sites online that sell painkillers. I know that there's a couple that sell prescription grade ephedrine (which can be used for...
  9. newb985

    Xanax addiction, need some advice.

    I'm sorry to hear about that. If it's really a subscription then maybe you should talk to your doctor about it and ask him what you can do to not have such bad withdrawals. If it's not a prescription and you're just buying them from people off the street then you're just gonna have to stick...
  10. newb985

    Is my gf foreals? Or bluffin?

    I think this sentence pretty much proves her point "slow in dumb" lol
  11. newb985

    Percocet withdrawal

    yea 7.5's basically, they were 30s cut into quarters. I would take a quarter of a 30 here and there then it became a little more frequent. Like you say, I wouldn't think that it would be that much a thread for withdrawal symptoms but then again who knows I never even took more than a quarter...
  12. newb985

    Percocet withdrawal

    Thanks for the post. I just ran out and now I am stopping taking them. I will not call the guy I get them from anymore for a number of reasons, most importantly my physical and mental health. I'm more concerned with figuring out how long it will take me to get back to normal and when the...
  13. newb985

    Percocet withdrawal

    Hi I am not a frequent poster on here but I figured this might be a good place to come for some info and some support as well. I began messing with percs at the beginning of the summer after I used it to get a tattoo, it went from a recreational thing to a more frequent thing. Just recently I...
  14. newb985

    Shrooms for the first time in a long time

    It was given by a good source who said it was really potent so I just got a half an eighth. how long til I feel somn?
  15. newb985

    Shrooms for the first time in a long time

    I'm doing these things for the first time in a longgg time. I'm only doing a half an eighth because I'm just gonna be chillin at the house. Ppl are gonna be around but everyone's cool, I just don't wanna tweek out. Any suggestions on what to do or not to do would be appreciated it. I got like...