Recent content by Newbgrower401

  1. N

    Supercropping clones?

    What about veg? Could it be useful?
  2. N

    Supercropping clones?

    When does everybody start there supercropping? I understand how just not when to start
  3. N

    Rooting clones faster?

    Just rooted my first clones... Some had shown roots by day 6 and by day 7 four of my clones had good roots showing...I used rapid rooters as my medium and clone-x as my hormone.. is this a decent amount of time to have roots or was it longer than it should have been
  4. N

    Sexing plants

    Won't that cause stress? I leave in 50 days and am going to have someone come through to water em the two weels I'm gone and don't want to be in flower when I go or have my plants running into the light and burning when I get back
  5. N

    Sexing plants

    Have 4 pants growing good, one showed male preflowers so I tossed him outside just to watch him grow and will chop when he flowers.... But the other 3 still have not shown any signs of preflowers ... I tried cloning to sex and wasn't able to root them before they wilted... How can I sex them so...
  6. N

    Male preflowers?

    Buying em online seems kinda sketchy to me, I was paranoid buying my lights online
  7. N

    Male preflowers?

    I need seeds, I only know one breeder in the area and he tries charging 40 for a fem photo and 30 a clone
  8. N

    Male preflowers?

    Male preflowers? If they are would it be a bad idea to keep him in the tent to pollinate the other girls? I really like the way he's growing and wouldn't mind some of his genetics mixed with one of my other girls
  9. N

    Cloning problems!

    I've taken 3 rounds of 4-6 clones and they keep falling over and not rooting.... My temps are in mid 80s and so is humitity So first I wipe everything down with alcohol and let it dry, I then get my glass of cold/warm water (tried both) I remove the cutting from mother and place it directly into...
  10. N

    Male preflowers?

    How long after first appearance do they properly present themselves?
  11. N

    Male preflowers?

    Never have seen preflowers before thinking this ones a male?
  12. N

    Using rooms to fullest potential

    Plants grow slow under the blurple i Have so want to try not to veg in there too long
  13. N

    Using rooms to fullest potential

    Okay so the flower tent 2x4 will be easier to control environment inside and I have the 4 sw1000 to put in there.... I want to use the 2.5'x5' for keeping a mother and cloning I have a 450w wattshine and 2 1000w giixer... I can only have 12 plants and want to end up perpetual growing but not...
  14. N

    Using rooms to fullest potential

    I currently have a 2.5'x5' closet that is hard t control the environment inside... I have a 2'x4' tent coming that I want to use for flower... I have 4 sunraise sw1000 that I'm planning on putting in the tent and some blurples I'm gonna put in the closet to keep clones/mother.... but how can I...
  15. N

    Mother vs clone from clone

    Any tips on perpetual harvest when growing clone from clone?