Recent content by Newf@rm3r

  1. N


    yea haha had fun last night i spose. never did end up seeing stuff, but yea, the body high was worth the 5 quid. lol its like MDMA but only 5 quid for 3 hours of fun. :), and wat is salvia btw?
  2. N


    lol yea i kno, just never did it before, didnt think acid did a body high lol. thanks for all the info everyone tho
  3. N


    think its fake? lol me n my friend(whos done acid quite a few times) think so lol. 4 hours :( lol wast of 5 pounds :P haha
  4. N


    LITTLE sheet of paper with a lil star in the middle
  5. N


    lol im on almost 4 hours.. seen NOTHING, lol on hour 3 i was on a amazing body high... walked around for like an hour, didnt feel the walkin at allllll. but as far as vision.. lol i got some blurr thats it
  6. N


  7. N


    holy shit thx bro! makieng me happy hearing good news. i do feel it getting better every like 10 minutes. weird :)
  8. N

    how long till this works!!

    me and my friend have ben on it an hour for me, 1 hour 1/2 for him (acid tab licked hehe). i mean we feel body high. like really numb, but when do u guys see shit? if we haven't yet r we doomed not u, and its fake? thx
  9. N


    damnit i want something better to happen than just this body high :( well like sometimes i see my legs moving when i type on the keyboard. so 45-75 u see shit? damn guess acid for us equals pain relever :( nebody got ne times?
  10. N


    il do that but what im asking is when do people start seing shit? is it usually an hour half, 3 hours? what time we talking here?
  11. N


    this is our first time on acid. does it ever kick in to see shit?i was told u see bugs bunny or colors at least. nebody know if that is later o or what?
  12. N


    well my friend is on an hour 1/2. im on an hour. we feel shit except lazy, and pain reliever sorta. like were really light. and it's hard to type. u think it's fake?
  13. N


    lol sorry this first response i got from the newb growing room made me think i posted it in the wrong place lol
  14. N


    how long does it take for an acid tab to kick in?
  15. N


    hey not a weed question.. but how long does acid normal take to kick in?