Recent content by nexcare

  1. N

    Cod 4

    I know some of you guys play online. Just wanted to start a thread, and maybe connect some of us stoners to play online together. What system do you play it on: Xbox 360 Kill-death ratio: 1.41 Favorite gametype: Ground War (lots of people and it mixes it up) Favorite map: Shipment...
  2. N

    What was that about Palin's wardrobe??

    For the record, I enjoy Vi's post, not only because we share similar views, but he can actually mustard up an intelligent debate. Very few people on the other side of the fence will even give him an honest discussion without bashing him; and for that, you come off as looking petty.
  3. N

    I thought Republicans were for deregulation...

    Republics aren't republicans/conservatives in the same sense anymore. They are all very moderate for the most part... Sad to see, but it is the truth.
  4. N

    What was that about Palin's wardrobe??

    Actually, I think he is having fun with yall. Of course conservatives are jumping on all these stupid, minor issues, b/c the non-Bush supporters jumped on every stupid issue for the last 9 or so years. He is more so doing it as an immature jab, or a look at what I can also do! I find it...
  5. N

    Thomas Jefferson quotes

    I completely agree. Over 50% don't pay any federal income tax. The reason why 40%, 45% or whatever is often quoted is because the IRS is complicit in pulling the wool over our eyes by some tricky accounting methods. "Refundable" tax credits are not classified as a reduction in income...
  6. N

    The United States of Communism.

    When my quality of life suffers, especially what I see it to be long term, I am not going to stand by and watch my quality of life snowball downhill, to help out people who didn't use their time to help themselves. I wasn't put on this Earth to give other people a high quality of life, while...
  7. N

    Thomas Jefferson quotes

    By promote the general welfare, do you mean give undeserving people my money, or my family's money? I don't think so. And then after that, the income tax is illegal as is.
  8. N

    Thomas Jefferson quotes

    He isn't bad at all for mainstream. I am sure many of yall have heard of him, but yall should take the time to check out Ron Paul. Yes, he is from Texans, and NO, Bush was not from Texas. haha He shows that you can keep an open mind, while being...
  9. N

    Gun Control

    DWI isn't a felony. Class A/B Misdemeanor. Also, if you take guns away from the citizens who have them registered and have the training, the only people with them will be the crooks who buy them illegally. You can buy any gun, unregistered at a gun show, for the right price... I am all...
  10. N

    The United States of Communism.

    Everything that is pushing this government towards socialism is fucking illegal in the constitution for starters... Many of the major problems of this country stem from socialistic thinking. Such as Clinton pushing for Fannie Mae/Freddie Mac and other banks to start giving out loans to people...
  11. N

    Texas Growers Unite!

    Thanks for all the advice, in the last 2 pages you guys. Ill have to give Brite Ideas another try. Ive just kind of started to build a relationship with the guys at Texas hydro and they've yet to steer me wrong. Here are a few pics of a few girls... They look droopy right now, because my...
  12. N

    Texas Growers Unite!

    I go to the Texas Hydro off Burnet and love it there. Chet and Chris are the only 2 guys that work in there, and very helpful. They won't BS you on a BS product. They will sell you anything you like, but def give you their opinions on which things actually work best, versus what the...
  13. N

    hooray for craigslist!

    Craigslist rocks. In the past few months my 2 biggest scores were: 1 1000w HPS, Air Cooled Hood and Vortex fan for $200. 2 x 20lbs CO2 tanks and 1 regulator and timer for $150/.
  14. N


    Not going to lie, you sound incompetent of completing anything near what you are expecting to. If you find this idea feasible, you may possibly be a functioning retard, or just a 13 year old kid with a massive imagination...
  15. N

    Can you show the difference between 400&600???

    You get what you pay for. I am running 2 400's in line to a 1000w, and the plants under the 1000 are atleast 6inches taller and twice as thick. It is rather impressive.