nick hawkins
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  • hey everybody, my names nick if u cant already tell haha. im just starting out in growing and really know too much about it but ive decided to start trying to grow it myself so i can supply my folks and the restof my family with their meds now that arizona has passed prop 203.

    i decided to start growing when i bunch of seeds actually sprouted in my backyard a couple months ago after the winter rain in december, now i plucked the rest of those but i kept one due to the fact that its got fat streaks of purple in its leaves and stem, its not too big of a plant but im going to germinate more and probably have a good 4 or 5 plants growing OUTSIDE NOT INSIDE so im looking to just have a small garden big enough to support only a few people..
    would anybody be able to help give me tips and guild to keeping a decent grow without really over doing it and without too many supplys? i wanna try and keep it as organic as possible.. seed, water, sun so far:)
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