Recent content by norcaliiguy

  1. norcaliiguy

    oops meant to send a message

    oops meant to send a message
  2. norcaliiguy

    400w LST Snowcap & Lemon Haze 5th wk flower pics

    i think my buds are kind of small for how far along i am. i think because i have just a 400w but i would of liked some huge buds. time will tell i guess. potted in ffof. had used bud blood am using tiger bloom snow storm ultra gravity silica blast an carboload humboldt honey good karma have...
  3. norcaliiguy

    400w LST Snowcap & Lemon Haze 5th wk flower pics

    ok so this is when i got back from leaving them unattended for about 2 wks one was in prety bad shape so i didnt switch to flower right away. the pics above are up to ten days after switching to flower
  4. norcaliiguy

    400w LST Snowcap & Lemon Haze 5th wk flower pics

    these are pics all the way up to 5 wks after i switched my lights to flower. this might sounds like a stupid question but does everyone start counting their flowering time from when they 'switch' to 12/12? was given two snocap clones from a friend. picked up one lemon thai x haze from the...
  5. norcaliiguy

    Small buds or I just got to wait

    hey sry not sure Exactly wat your ph should be, im also curious about what ph level is ideal for the different points in the lifetime of our plants. as a fallback i would try to get your ph down to 6. what i wanted to say is that you should Definitely get some gravity. i just used it for the...
  6. norcaliiguy

    Question about internodes and bud size

    nice post some more pics when you can
  7. norcaliiguy

    Transplanting lst'd plant?

    yes i have.. it really isnt that much different than transplanting any other plant. i would just untie any strings you have holding down the branches, transplant it, and then tie back down branches where you want to. i think the only problem you could possibly have is dealing with the change in...
  8. norcaliiguy

    Snow Storm Ultra and Gravity

    wow that rhino is super frosty looks like powder mold
  9. norcaliiguy

    how many plants under 400w hps?

    my first time using a 400w and i have 3 Big plants in 5 gallon pots. my hood can barely cover the canopy and i have to squish them together kind of. although i trimmed up the bottoms they are still looking under-developed. i would recommend more smaller plants, as that is what i am going to do...
  10. norcaliiguy

    hey i was just wondering why you said you wont use bushmaster again, any info would be great thanks

    hey i was just wondering why you said you wont use bushmaster again, any info would be great thanks
  11. norcaliiguy

    Veg cabinet getting too tall... Can i Bushmaster my fresh (ish) clones??

    ok so i sprayed my clones with some bushmaster and organicide today. i will update in about a week or so and see if there is any effect from the bushmaster. i also used snow storm ultra on a couple of my flowering plants. will report any findings
  12. norcaliiguy

    Over-feeding or genetics? Leaves curling over and under.. Cool looking

    ohh wind burn.. that is interesting. my closet is pretty small and i do have a fan blowing on the plants, that could be it. thanks
  13. norcaliiguy

    Over-feeding or genetics? Leaves curling over and under.. Cool looking

    hey thanks for the help. i guess i am using too many nutrients, because i am not doing a foliar spray at all. the honey humboldt product is just like molasses and i just mix it with everything else. i have only foliar sprayed once and it was while they were vegging and it was a nitrogen spray...
  14. norcaliiguy

    Over-feeding or genetics? Leaves curling over and under.. Cool looking

    i got this killer clone which is supposed to be lemon thai x haze from a club up here in norcal. i really Love this plant except for its tendency to attract mites (only plant that does in my room) Ok anyways heres a pic of what a lot of the leaves are doing, mostly just the ones on the top. The...
  15. norcaliiguy

    Veg cabinet getting too tall... Can i Bushmaster my fresh (ish) clones??

    i cut a bunch of clones before i started flowering, it has been about 3 weeks since i cut them and they are Really taking off. im just using 2 6500k tiny cfls in a small kitchen cabinet. i wanted to stunt the clones.. will bushmaster do the trick? and besides just stunting them will they still...