Recent content by nubiebud

  1. nubiebud

    Old Fashion 7-Grain Cookies

    Ingredients: * 3 eggs, well beaten * 1 cup craisins * 1 cup cannabutter * 1 1/2 cup brown sugar * 1/4 cup white sugar * 1 teaspoon vanilla extract * 2 1/2 cups unbleached flour * 1 teaspoon salt * 1 teaspoon ground cinnamon * 2 teaspoons baking soda *...
  2. nubiebud

    How Not To Grow Dope

    I did not know I was a weed baron until reading this post. Cheers.
  3. nubiebud

    If you need a luagh check this out

    Tag, your it... :LOL
  4. nubiebud

    Contest - Summer 2010

    I gotta hella idea if the misses will let me.
  5. nubiebud

    Afghani Goo

    I am growing some right now. Its about a week out for harvest. Smells good and looks even better.
  6. nubiebud

    Im blazed let's talk cars

    Somebody I know has one of these in his garage. Its a hoot to ride in. Not the best comfort, but still fun.
  7. nubiebud

    back of closet setup. Grow tent? Mylar sheeting alone?

    Mylar and duct tape is all you need.
  8. nubiebud

    Sex... Sober V.S Intoxicated

    Put your wiener in her mouth when your high, you figure out the answer pretty quick.
  9. nubiebud

    Im blazed let's talk cars

    imma sucker for these
  10. nubiebud

    wtf should i do i dnt wanna get my ass kicked

    Get a bigger stick.
  11. nubiebud

    cloudy/amber trichomes

    Thanks for the info guys. I want the trich's to be more clear/cloudy for a more head high instead of couch lock. So when I saw the trichome stalks turning amber, I wanted to check. Cuz in the pics I have seen the whole trichome is amber. Not just the stalk. I really don't really care for the...
  12. nubiebud

    cloudy/amber trichomes

    So my plants are one day into tenth week flower. Some of he trichome stalks are amber. But most of the trichome heads are getting cloudy. Should I start flushing now? I certainly do not want to end up with all amber. First grow, White Widow and Afgoo. Appreciate any info.
  13. nubiebud

    Montana Outdoor Grow

    Good luck, Montana weather has been F'ed up lately. So far so good.
  14. nubiebud

    I bet you've never seen ganja like this!

    busted, lol
  15. nubiebud

    Does anyone know a good alternative to aerogarden sponges?

    I use Rapid Rooters in my aerogarden.