Recent content by oahugrown

  1. O

    Health Related Question

    I could not find a health forum so i decided this would be the best place to ask my question. I am a medical marijuana patient and everything was going fine until about 8 months ago when I got a severe case of pink eye. I got it a couple times when I was younger and didnt smoke marijuana, but...
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    The Wind Busted Me..

    your equipment was forfeited. you now have to fight to get it back. should have said you were growing veggies indoor. nothing illegal about that.
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    FiRsT iNdOoR hAwAiI gRoW

    one tip i got for you is to not germinate in the rapid rooters, they rotted a bunch of my seeds when i tried, that probably what happened to you. instead use a cup of water(fastest) or a wet paper towel,etc... and instead of ordering more seeds why not just clone the strains you got already...
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    websites linked to growing

    sue them....
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    How much more efficient are digital ballasts?

    and there smaller/quiter/less hot than analog. and easily mountable/more stealth.
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    Absorb your profits

    Best thing to do is only keep cash. Pay for everything with cash and dont use your real name anywhere, also dont keep any receipts. If you want to buy a house or expensive car(or any other item which you need to register) have someone else buy it in their name (with a legitimate income) and put...
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    Everyone Does It

    bags are at wal-mart crafting section. 1.50 for 100 2x3. cheaper than anywhere else ive seen. most shops charge 5$ for 100.
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    Why do people refer to marijuana as DOPE??

    dope is now a word that can and is used for any persons drug of choice, whatever that may be. if you watch shows about drugs even the cops,etc, are calling the drugs dope. example: "We found his dope stash"
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    Official "Asking For Advice On Dealing" Rant Thread

    i see ur point bro. Better to be safe than sorry. thats the way I look at it. And im sure thats the way everyone else would look at it if they have been investigated by the DEA as i have and so many others. Or if they were to get there door kicked in for being a member here. Then they might...
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    Hawaii Growers

    man u must be pretty stoned right now...haha. classic.
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    Hawaii Growers

    maybe if they are 10 foot monsters in clear view. id say stay with 5 or less and you wil be perfectly fine. ive been at houses when they count and there was defineatly more than 30 but they didnt even drop, they got bigger sh*t to take care of, in the thousands. but they will check on you to...
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    Hawaii Growers

    the best advice I can give you is to hike down a pretty steep valley on a mountain side so your basically on the side of a mountain where hunters dont even try to go, 1 because its hard to hike there(steep) and 2 because pigs dont go there. then dig into the mountain so you have a flat...
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    Hawaii Growers

    yes the police here dont investigate crimes as hard as other departments in other states, thats true. I've had numerous investigations go nowhere even when there was a clear suspect. as for the cops being dealers, thats also true. some have been busted, others are still going. on oahu green...
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    Planter bags

    i use them, and continue to use them with great sucess. there cheaper. easier to carry. last a while also. and there camoflouge. also, there better than hard buckets or pots because they can be placed togethor closer (by forming them into squares touching eachother). to save room for more plants...
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    Hawaii Growers

    my best suggestion (how i do it everytime) for geting starters into the mountains is to use a red or clear dixie(plastic) cups to start your seeds/clones. use a nail to poke holes in the bottoms of the cups 4 water to drain. then when there ready to go just place another cup thats empty right...