Recent content by obione

  1. O

    Is this some kind of mold

    Maybe you have right Thank you
  2. O

    Is this some kind of mold

    This is pic of a bud
  3. O

    Is this some kind of mold

    Thank you for answer mate
  4. O

    Is this some kind of mold

    Sa it is a mold or not ?
  5. O

    Is this some kind of mold

    ????? What a mold ?/
  6. O

    Is this some kind of mold

    No it maybe 23-25C
  7. O

    Is this some kind of mold

    I cut this bud off
  8. O

    Is this some kind of mold

    with naked eye is light green It is my another girl with this Dont know how it get it Humiditi is low all grow Smell is good
  9. O

    Is this some kind of mold

    Humi 40% Temp 28-30 C Soil Think 1 week to harvest Is a smal bud near main coal This bud looks normal is uder it All other ilooks normal Thank you for any help