Recent content by Oh jeez rick

  1. O

    So is it necessary to flush? Was told other day it wasn’t needed.

    Not at all I've already explained the difference between me and you . Apparently you're delusional too hahaha you've got all kinds of problems my scumbag friend
  2. O

    So is it necessary to flush? Was told other day it wasn’t needed.

    You show just how dumb you are the more you type and hit that post reply button hahahaha I really hope you don't reproduce cause those kids are fuckeddddd
  3. O

    So is it necessary to flush? Was told other day it wasn’t needed.

    Haaahaaaa no you're not buddy I was defending a person who asked a innocent question then was attacked by a pack of dickheads. It's funny how the ones talking all that shit don't like the same attention hahaha What you're doing is defending a bunch of bullies which makes you beneath me peasant
  4. O

    So is it necessary to flush? Was told other day it wasn’t needed.

    I'll do this all day terry I know you don't have a life so I'll stoop down to your level for one day
  5. O

    So is it necessary to flush? Was told other day it wasn’t needed.

    That was a good one ....I'll let you try again buddy haha
  6. O

    So is it necessary to flush? Was told other day it wasn’t needed.

    Haha you ever ask her what happened?....I'll tell you a summary of the story I drop some meat to hard on her forehead ✌
  7. O

    So is it necessary to flush? Was told other day it wasn’t needed.

    W.e you say cornball I'm not the one bullying people I already know what kind of people yall are in real life haha
  8. O

    So is it necessary to flush? Was told other day it wasn’t needed.

    Oh I have your mom come clean up the rest
  9. O

    So is it necessary to flush? Was told other day it wasn’t needed.

    Nahh I just don't understand how you have to sign up to be on this bogus forum and then you have dickheads like you all who apparently have nothing better to do than antagonize people
  10. O

    So is it necessary to flush? Was told other day it wasn’t needed.

    I didn't come here to answer his question I came here to just point out how ignorant you all are
  11. O

    So is it necessary to flush? Was told other day it wasn’t needed.

    Nahh I grow organic douche never have never will
  12. O

    So is it necessary to flush? Was told other day it wasn’t needed.

    This dude asked a simple question but now has a bunch of idiots hassling him......talking about religion wtf does that have do with what he asked
  13. O

    Rescheduling lighting time

    Okay cool I appreciate it
  14. O

    Rescheduling lighting time

    So I have a couple plants in veg that are on a 7am(on)-1am(off) light schedule will it stress them out if I change the times by one hour every other day till i get to the time i want? so it would go like this 7am(on)-1am(off) 6am(on)-12am(off) 5am(on)-11pm(off) 4am(on)-10pm(off)