Recent content by Onuris

  1. Onuris


    yeah but i saw a few other ppl here under age...besides i dont think theres an age limit on trees ya know cuzin.
  2. Onuris


  3. Onuris


    why they going to ban me
  4. Onuris


    moms are usely a problem with growing but i just got done talking to my mom about her smoking pot and drinking when she was a kid she said were dumb cuz we got caught lol she said she was slick
  5. Onuris

    I HAVE to leave the site

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  6. Onuris

    Great Stoner Quotes

    My quote was Redbull Aint got shit on my wings
  7. Onuris


    ight ty. close this thread.
  8. Onuris

    forgot who you were

    Anyone everbeen soo stoned you forgot who you were or had anyother freaky things happen to you while you were stoned... like one time we were playing morrowwind and this door glitch and what Eating the monster and we all were like WTF is GOing on and turn the game off.
  9. Onuris


    i feel ya see i had to leave my plants for a day and something happen and the lights stayed on.
  10. Onuris

    Who are you? a/s/l

    Whoo youngest on the server? 16/m/N/A
  11. Onuris


    What if it was in flowering?
  12. Onuris


    lets say that a plant gets about 24hours of light what would that do.
  13. Onuris

    mutant cannabis

    So who wants to give me a ride down under??? to get seeds.
  14. Onuris

    mutant cannabis

    what is the name of this strain?
  15. Onuris

    mutant cannabis

    so is anyone going to be selling the seeds?