Recent content by ooli

  1. ooli

    Leaves from Bottom of Plant Keep Falling Off Help!

    That's a definite possibility. ~ooli~
  2. ooli

    1000w hps how many 1- 1 1/2 ft.plants can you put underneath

    How are you planning on growing? SOG? SCROG? etc... ~ooli~
  3. ooli

    Cloning Chance of Success

    You have to keep in mind that the cutting needs air as well as water; they have to breathe. I, personally, haven't tried this method (I clone in 100% perlite--works wonders), but I would suggest that you air-bathe them for a few minutes a couple times a day. Otherwise, your chances of stem rot...
  4. ooli

    producing females from seed

    I usually do a sort of rain-dance/irish jig around the plant and repeat for each and every plant. Works every time--all females. ~ooli~
  5. ooli

    i have a perpetual grow theroy

    Yeah, it's called the Sea of Green (SOG) method. Can be very effective. ~ooli~
  6. ooli

    New strain belived to grow twice as fast !

    My thoughts exactly. ~ooli~
  7. ooli

    Proof that LST is just as good as topping ( PICS )

    LST is definitely less stressful on the plant--after all, low and stress are in the name. The idea of topping and/or fimming is great in and of itself, in that it the plant will adjust itself, but there is a definitive stress that's put on the plant. Any time you prune, you're going to have a...
  8. ooli

    wheter to top or fim or not???

    Marijuana plants possess a trait called apical dominance, which means that the main leader (shoot) has dominance and control over the other branching under it. If you cut the main leader, it will cause the internode under it to take the dominance and those two shoots at the internode will grow...
  9. ooli

    How much is too much???

    If you're humidity is too high during flowering, you run the risk of fungi. 1000 watts should suit those plants just fine. ~ooli~
  10. ooli

    First time cloning and the clones wilt over soon after put in medium

    I had lots of trouble cloning when I first started, and I can only speak from experience, but I've been doing all my cloning in 100% perlite since I found the method. I've had a 100% percent clone rate for about a year now. I had to switch from my first bubble cloner, because I couldn't get a...
  11. ooli

    Purple buds - Anthocyanin production and Chlorophyll degradation

    I believe a quick blast of nitrogen towards the end of the cycle (though I've actually only seen the colder temp. method in action--on my outdoor grows; it happened automatically) will produce a similar effect. Quick temperature drops don't help anybody. ~ooli~
  12. ooli

    I need help knowing when to harvest

    It really depends on the genetic makeup of the plant, but I use about 80% opaque to clear trichomes as a rule of thumb. Also, if I'm new to the genetics, I usually harvest in a couple stages to see where exactly I want to harvest; Experiment! It really is more of an art than anything. You're...
  13. ooli

    do digital ballasts really save compared to magnetic?

    If you want something that will work and is cheap, just go magnetic, because your current and wattage draw will be just about the same between the two. I use two magnetic 1000-watters and I have no problems. Whoop for Marquette! She's my favorite mountain in Michigan and having a friend...
  14. ooli

    PPM Question, using tap water

    Yes, I would say a reading in the 600's from plain tap is a bit high, but most water treatment varies from city to city and most of the chemicals put into the water are not readably digestible by the plant and/or evaporate. I get my water from one of the great lakes and my base reading...
  15. ooli

    i just got 55 clones can you check em out and my grow aint ready yet what should i do

    Yeah, definitely start those up under 1 of your 1000-watters, and keep it at a decent distance. And, if there's not a good enough root system yet, get them under a dome. ~ooli~