Recent content by Organic Chemistry

  1. Organic Chemistry

    where do i get seeds?

    So i want to start growning with my friends, but we dont kno where to get the seeds. Some times when i buy weed, it has seeds in it, can i plant those seeds? And also, are there male and female seeds? I basically need a step by step intro to growning. lol.
  2. Organic Chemistry

    is the vagina the gateway to god?

    if its the Virgin Mary's vagina, then yes.
  3. Organic Chemistry

    Sore throat after cunnilingus

    eww i think she has an STD and maybe you should talk to her about it. Deff don't go down on her again.
  4. Organic Chemistry


    So i'm new, haha, and wanted to know more about weed. Like, i smoke it twice a month or so, but i wanna kno more. Like where do you gt club cards from and stuff. I live in LA so i kno it can't be difficult to get one, but idk where. lol. Does anyone who lives in LA/SM or venice know where i...