Recent content by organick

  1. organick

    first time grow IS This Ok?

    I plant beans indoors during the winter. Let them get to the 5th node or bigger, then leave them outside (mild were I live, zone 9) for about three weeks to sex. Then let them either bud or bring them inside again and regenerate, then clone. Nothing wrong with growing other plants as well like...
  2. organick

    molasses subsitute ? Natural molasses sugar

    it will work, got my molasses at walmart. Look at the product info if it has calcium and potassium it's cool.
  3. organick

    helpful links

    This one is better than porn (or better for you). Paul Stamets on 6 ways mushrooms can save the world | Video on one of the coolest things I've seen.
  4. organick

    How do I proceed?

    If it where me: Go to the store trade the Epsom salt for DOLOMITE LIME, the gods have spoken, I just relay the message. While you are at it get a big bag of EWC (earth worm castings) and some five gallon buckets for making compost tea (I use about 3-4 for mixing and aging water for the next...
  5. organick

    Switching from Chemical nutes to Organice nutes(HELP)

    Reading your post n00b, I see your baby just started. blood and bone should be ok just sparingly at first, blood is powerful. My next big purchase is some neptunes harvest fish fertilizer 1-4-2 great for flowering, easy to use and stocked at my local hardware/garden store (true value)...
  6. organick

    Organic Powder mildew relief?!?! Harvest time is now!!!

    Never used hydrogen peroxide like that either. Use it to break-down plant matter on my pre hash leaf and cut. Glad to hear the resin sacks stay put.
  7. organick

    Switching from Chemical nutes to Organice nutes(HELP)

    three weeks from seed? maybe half or NO BLOOD MEAL. Too much N.
  8. organick

    Switching from Chemical nutes to Organice nutes(HELP)

    1 teaspoon blood meal (N) 1 teaspoon bone meal (P) 1 teaspoon black strap molasses (K) EWC (Earth Worm Castings) 4 tablespoons (mico nutes and soil bacteria) 1 gallon water use a fish-tank air pump, air-stone and one gallon water in a pail. OR, put all ingredients in a one gallon jug. shake...
  9. organick

    Organic Powder mildew relief?!?! Harvest time is now!!!

    Hydrygen Peroxidi will burst the resin sacks and totally mess-up your buds. Air Flow! Harvest when all tricombs are clowdy, no need for that much amber, once some of the plants are out of the grow area the problem should decrease. This close to harvest any chems are a bad idea, making a...
  10. organick

    blood and bones!?

    Blood and bone have to much easily available nitrogen. may freak your plant hermi. For two weeks only the blood will be available, N, not the bone, P. Pic out the bone wearing latex gloves and a fine screen sieve, or however you separate the blood. Crush the bone to a powder (gross work, rock...
  11. organick

    Feeding Mary - All Organic / Chems or Both ?

    I use all organic fert teas. With NO chems. Because chems freak me out. Because I did just enough mushrooms as a young person. Peace, Love and mycorrhizae
  12. organick

    soil help....

    have two plants already.. wit regular soil... but i want to know the best soil for organics.. i know the basics... i just want to know the recipe for it... like how much should i put... Regular soil, like ground soil? If its like mine I’d either transplant into 1gal-5gal depending on the...
  13. organick

    The Stress of Living with a Centerfold.....

    I never started growing good pot until I started growing other plants as well. Being hyper-active and an inquisitive stoner by nature I like messing with stuff. This can be good, but it can go very, very, very badly (a pot full of black goo and a female clone going male, in July. MIstakes where...
  14. organick

    Bat guano!

    "fertilizers, not nutrients"? fertilizer (also fertiliser) noun: a chemical or natural substance added to soil to increase its fertility. nutrient >noun a substance that provides nourishment essential for life and growth. -ORIGIN from Latin nutrire 'nourish'. IMO : Bat Guano is both. Lots...
  15. organick

    Metanatruals, anyone use them ??

    I use meta natural's on my plants, not my nose. I theought you were talking about growing plant rather than smelling stuff. Read the lable....duh.