Recent content by Organjic

  1. Organjic

    My salvia 10x trip

    Is it legal in the USA? If so where could I find some?
  2. Organjic

    Confirm shrooms?

    Discarded. I did go through my books, and other references. Smaller mushrooms were poisonous and the others were deadly. Thanks! Ill find some patties at my local farm, they let me roam the property, so itll be no problem.
  3. Organjic

    Confirm shrooms?

    New England area. Both were off of tree stumps.
  4. Organjic

    Confirm shrooms?

    Take a look, 2 types both are an inch tall. Edible?
  5. Organjic

    Your First Joint

    First time I smoked I didnt like it. Second time I loved it so Ill tell about that one. Second time, I got stoned and watched the food network til I gave in and raided my friend's uncles fridge. Uncle then bought us pizza. Oh and the uncle was the supplier, lol.
  6. Organjic

    Mutant Pics.

  7. Organjic

    Are Feminized seeds B.S.?

    Get 2 pure(almost pure at 99.9%)silver coins and get a 16v adapter and wire each coin to one of the negative and positive lines. Careful, very dangerous! Just let the tips of the coins go into a bucket of water, plug in and drop seeds in for about 30 seconds. Unplug and take seeds out and...
  8. Organjic

    Depression & Marijuana

    Can I apply for a medical marijuana license for depression? I have proven to myself it works. I live in RI. Theres licenses here but not sure if a doctor will suggest it for me.
  9. Organjic

    Ron Paul Revolution

    Over 3million so far, expected over 4.5mil
  10. Organjic

    Ron Paul Revolution

    November 5th Donate!!!!!! Ron Paul 2008!!!
  11. Organjic

    IN Pot We Trust

    Ive seen it on PotTv's website In Pot We Trust
  12. Organjic

    Cheap CO2

    More care and time you spend on your plants means more CO2. Make your grow room a nice place to be in. Put in a nice chair and a book and your dandy for co2
  13. Organjic

    The 1Oz Shot Glass Grow Competition

    Lol thimble hydroponic contest?
  14. Organjic

    My pot movie

    Dont tell me they are all gone :(
  15. Organjic

    Ron Paul Revolution

    If Dr.Ron Paul doesnt win, Im moving to Canada. :)