Recent content by Osric

  1. O

    Germinating VS Direct Planting

    Use coffee filters rather than paper towels and the roots don't stick. I think it is less risky to make sure your seed has popped before it is hidden from view and may or or may not get the right moisture levels.
  2. O

    First Time Grower (Outdoor) Toronto Canada

    None of them look close to being ripe. Lots of white pistols means it's still going. As the flowers get more mature the calyxs the pistols are coming out of will swell and the pistols will turn brown. Since they are all mystery seeds they may or may not finish before winter.
  3. O

    Micro propagation

    If you had the gear for growing mushrooms (presure cooker, still air box, culture jars) would you need much else besides the media and hormones?
  4. O

    Ready or wait couple weeks?

    Wait. Clear tricombs are immature.
  5. O

    Need help confirming these are males? Pruneing question also please.

    Unless you want every bud to be half seeds carefully pull them now. Like slip a bag over them cut the stem and spray your other plants with water.
  6. O

    What are the actual dangers of smoking CS sprayed buds

    Metal nano particles in your lungs can't be good.