Recent content by PapayaTwins

  1. PapayaTwins

    heres a first. sex talk inside ;)

    I don't know how much there is to this theory, but I have both read and heard that stressing the plant by topping it at around 4-5 weeks old, in particular will produce hermaphroditic or male plants. I topped for the first time during this current grow and I waited to do it until they were 6...
  2. PapayaTwins

    Busted Big Time In Latvia

    That is a shame. I wonder where they were storing the harvest. Doesn't sound like they kept it all on the property, with only 9 kilos found. I wonder how they got busted, guessing it wasn't the smell?
  3. PapayaTwins

    3 weeks flowering, leaves turn yellow, gray then die?!

    Anybody? Does this look like a fungus or a nute deficiency? Or nute burn?
  4. PapayaTwins

    3 weeks flowering, leaves turn yellow, gray then die?!

    Hi All! I know that it is normal for the plants to lose SOME fan leaves near the end of flowering, but I'm only a third of the way through. I have 7 girls from bagseed growing in soil. 23 days since start of 12/12 and flowering nicely. Feeding Age Old Grow and Awesome Blossoms (each at 1/4...
  5. PapayaTwins

    White "dust" on leaves - HELP

    I searched around on some other forums and found this (it's really good): GrowFAQ : How do I recognize, control, and prevent Powdery Mildew...
  6. PapayaTwins

    White "dust" on leaves - HELP

    Milk will not affect the flavor of your buds and you can safely use the spray in all stages of veg and some stages of flowering. My caution to you is that if you're heavily into flowering and your buds are starting to get really compact, you need to avoid spraying the buds to prevent bud rot or...
  7. PapayaTwins

    Does this stem look normal?

    Ok great! Thanks to all three of you for clearing that up for me!! (wiping sweat off forehead...) :)
  8. PapayaTwins

    White "dust" on leaves - HELP

    That, my friend, is powdery mold/mildew. Not a big problem if you treat it early. I had this issue recently and here's what I did: mix 1 part 2% milk to 10 parts water in a spray bottle and spray down the leaves with the milk solution. After you've hosed them down pretty well (over and under...
  9. PapayaTwins

    Does this stem look normal?

    Umm, are some pictures :) (oops)
  10. PapayaTwins

    Does this stem look normal?

    Hi there! I am 4 days into flowering and was doing a little grooming and upkeep today when I found these strange white bumps/lesions/cankers on the bottoms of the stems of a few of my girls. Should I be worried about these white bumps? Or is this what happens when you throw them into...
  11. PapayaTwins

    .: Plant vitality+, Have you tried this? :.

    Sorry I didn't see this earlier. I'm very happy to hear that your plants didn't melt and are doing better! Got another update on the infestation?
  12. PapayaTwins

    Spotting/Mottling- Mosaic Virus?!?!

    I have one plant that looks like it's bleeding out. The green seems to be less so and there are spots/mottling. Like it's being sucked of its green color but I see absolutely no signs of bugs (no eggs or webs, doesn't look eaten). I reeat- NO SIGN OF BUGS. The leaves are curling a bit...
  13. PapayaTwins

    Wanna know how much?? Yield Calculator!

    Glad you guys found it useful! I just see a post asking about possible yield here and there every once in while. I think I saw on there that they calculate your canopy area and that's what they base it on, rather than number of plants. We can all come back in a couple of months and see if...
  14. PapayaTwins

    Wanna know how much?? Yield Calculator!

    Was this helpful for anybody?
  15. PapayaTwins

    Is this a male ?

    It's still a little early to tell. All preflowers (male and female) start off looking pretty much the same, in a day or two as they develop they will show you one way or the other. Just keep an eye on it (I'm sure you're checking on it every 10 minutes like I am, I'm at the same stage in my...