Recent content by paymanz

  1. P

    please take a look at these plants

    does it look like a nut overdose to your eyes?
  2. P

    please take a look at these plants

    thanks, i will check it.
  3. P

    please take a look at these plants

    its almost 1 month into flowering stage (not as early as i thought) but has almost no sign of flowering, he flushed it a couple of times. so from what you see its nut overdose. it also looks very much like potassium deficiency. and the soil's ph is about 6.5 , do you think it needs PH'd...
  4. P

    please take a look at these plants

    hey , this plant of my friend in early stage of flowering shows slow growth burned edges and yellow leaves. i believe he over nutritioned the plant for some period. now its hard to say whats the problem. any thoughts?
  5. P

    Have A Plant Problem? Check Here First

    hey , this plant of my friend in early stage of flowering shows slow growth burned edges and yellow leaves. i believe he over nutritioned the plant for some period. now its hard to say whats the problem. any thoughts?