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  • hey man. Well I am growing Purple Power this year. It is nearly a full sativa and gives you a really trippy, cerebral high with minimal burnout. Apparently a good day time smoke and doesnt get you too spaced out and lazy.

    It seems to be doing fine in the UK climate. I planted them pretty late too, in late june and they have still done really well, should get an oz off each plant. If grown in cold places the buds go super purple.
    I dont think purple power is a really potent strain but it definelty does the trick.
    Ive heard that Easy Sativa is another sativa strain that does well in the UK climate.

    Check out my outdoor grow to see the purple powers in action. They should be ready in a couple weeks and are already looking pretty tasty.

    Type into google 'UK cannabis strains' and im sure there will be a good variety to choose from.

    Good luck in advance!
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