Recent content by PeaceHunter

  1. PeaceHunter

    Why are my seedlings falling down?

    thanks moon. appreciate the info. I think some of them will be alright, got some beautiful leaves coming in the last few days. also looking to get a few photos up in a grow journal. one love for the herb and the people.
  2. PeaceHunter

    LEO, Who Is He Exactly?

    fuzz.. possibly the distorted sound of the siren. Guitar players know what I mean..step on that fuzz overdrive for that rockin' scream.
  3. PeaceHunter

    Why are my seedlings falling down?

    are these babies not worth going forward with then? time for a new batch of seeds or go ahead and see what happens with these laid-back first-timers?
  4. PeaceHunter

    Why are my seedlings falling down?

    i'll try to get some photos this weekend.
  5. PeaceHunter

    slouching babies?

    my mistake, internet connection problems, i realize one is enough
  6. PeaceHunter

    Why are my seedlings falling down?

    I've had these seedlings for a bit over a week, and thought they were looking well with healthy progression. 8 liitle girls, all with stems 4-6 inches. Today I came back from a day out and a few of them have got a slouch going, with the four leaf head facing up but close to the soil. What...
  7. PeaceHunter

    slouching babies?

    I've had these seedlings for a b it over a week, and thought they were looking well with healthy progression. 8 liitle girls, all with stems 4-6 inches. Today I came back from a day out and a few of them have got a slouch going, with the four leaf head facing up but close to the soil. What...
  8. PeaceHunter

    Must Read About Barack Obama!!!!!!!

    man, the reason we've been in this ridiculous war, is because of the man named George Bush making uneducated and preemptive decisions to go into war in the first place. We haven't been defending freedom over there, we've been defending fucking ignorance.
  9. PeaceHunter

    LEO, Who Is He Exactly?

    great man, thanks. Might as well ask another question on the subject. Is having a note on a bank statement entitled 'GREATLIGHTS Paypal Purchase" enough to raise suspicion from LEO? I just read in the FAQ's how it's a bad idea, already a bit late for that. Should I have worry about this?
  10. PeaceHunter

    LEO, Who Is He Exactly?

    I've read "LEO" in a few things around here, I imagine it's government related. Is it an actual acronym or a nickname? Is it something that I need to research more to make sure everything goes smoothly? not exactly looking for heat. Pro's, let me know. many thanks, PH
  11. PeaceHunter

    Why do we want marijuana legalized?

    It's time to stop becoming complacent with corruption. This country was founded on principles of freedom and liberty, not deception and suppression.
  12. PeaceHunter

    Why do we want marijuana legalized?

    gateway or not, however you want to look at it, the human has the strength within to smoke herb and not use other synthetic and harmful substances. Instead of it being a gateway drug, I like to see it as a natural being, able to eliminate the gate. As far as legalization, wouldn't it feel...
  13. PeaceHunter

    Welcome New Members!

    Greetings and respect, it's been nice to read helpful info from everyone's experiences. Makes sense to join the forums. I'm a first time grower, with much love for the sensimilla and the earth. I'm keeping it organic and I feel like I'll get some positive results with some care and respect of...
  14. PeaceHunter

    alittle outdoor time for my plants

    I've been taking my seedlings outside for fresh air and sunlight myself. The growth and health of them is still remarkable to me every time I come back and see the progression. Mother Earth at her finest.