Recent content by peacepipe17

  1. peacepipe17

    Need help sizing irrigation pump

    Thanks for the reply. The video you shared is how I kinda came up with the math I did. I require pretty high pressure to get my desired affect. I purchased a rather expensive leader pump. I will update the thread with my experience in case anyone else trying to run a similar system and needs...
  2. peacepipe17

    Need help sizing irrigation pump

    So if I need a minimum of 300 ml per plant in at least 10 seconds to distribute on the cap well. That's 1800ml/min X 48 plants 86000ml/23 gal (rounded up) System needs a minimum of 40 psi to run correctly. So do I just need to look for a pump that can do >23 gallons per minute at 40 psi? @ 5ft...
  3. peacepipe17

    Need help sizing irrigation pump

    I need help sizing a pump for irrigation. I just set up 6 floraflex bubblers going to 48 plants. each line has a tee with 2 small lines going to each plant. so 96 points of water emission. I tried to irrigate the entire room with my 1/3hp utility pump and did not get the pressure needed to...
  4. peacepipe17

    Coco Nutrient Ratios

    YES! It is very importance to rinse and buffer coco. You want the correct buffer and a clean product to start. I personally have also had more success when I cut it with a little perlite. But I am convinced that once buffered the cal-mag additives are not needed (especially if using tap water)...
  5. peacepipe17

    Coco Nutrient Ratios

    I would like to make my own mediums and nutrients from scratch one day.. The last thing anyone likes to do is hand over wads of cash to horticulture company's when they can make their own for a fraction of the cost!!
  6. peacepipe17

    Coco Nutrient Ratios

    My friend I spoke of use to add soil to his mix and treated it as such but he doesn't add it anymore. Now that he switched to a hydro nute I will tell him to lower the ph and see how his promix works with that. Thanks for the link too. I plan on using a mix of some sort that should only require...
  7. peacepipe17

    Coco Nutrient Ratios

    I do plan on doing some promix when I have more space and lights. Right now I gotta stick with what works. Outside of the overall plant health at times I do get very good yields and I cant afford for that to change at all. I taught my closest friend and set up his room and he grows in pro-mix...
  8. peacepipe17

    Coco Nutrient Ratios

    I wasn't growing when the original recipe was out lol but very nice.. that's how mine usually look. in terms of ppm mine is 750 but that's at a .5 conversion (Hannah meter) and since you mentioned veg times my plants did veg for almost 2 months.. primarily because I moved in the middle of this...
  9. peacepipe17

    Coco Nutrient Ratios

    I use 7 gal pots because I have 7 ft plants. Ive always had very good weight from my two lights and I believe that's why. Big plants and big pots. Roots full every time. I do water with a little runoff. So whats your EC with just 10ml/gal and no other nutrients? I feed at 1.4 with the nute...
  10. peacepipe17

    Coco Nutrient Ratios

    Are you a Canna rep? cuz honestly I don't feel like you read my post at all. I said I use tap water, I also said that I use cns17 so no I don't make my own nutes (I listed the nutes I use...) I do not supplement Cal-Mag or anything like it... especially since I'm in flower. My temps are between...
  11. peacepipe17

    Coco Nutrient Ratios

    Well Im not trying to raise K if I don't have to. I'm trying to balance K:Ca:Mg so they are taken in by the plant at the proper rates. Ive read the ratio should be like a 4:2:1 respectively but Ive also noticed that coco nutes tend to be lower in K because there is a large amount that comes...
  12. peacepipe17

    Coco Nutrient Ratios

    I know what your talking about. I used the Cannastats spreadsheet to come up with the numbers. I do not pay attention to each nutrient and what form it is. I basically copied what it said on the bottle into the spreadsheet lol Ive also supplemented epsom salts here and there. Coco has a CEC...
  13. peacepipe17

    Coco Nutrient Ratios

    Ive done enough reading and my head hurts. Ive compared other products to mine etc but Id like an opinion from other coco growers on my nutrient ratios.. Specifically K:CA:MG (my understanding is this ratio should be 4:2:1) I run: Botanicare CNS17 @ 17ml/Gal, Silica @ 5 ml/Gal, Fulvex @...
  14. peacepipe17

    Same problem through every grow

    Sry to bring the thread back up by replying to a old post but my plants did turn around and are 40 days into flower. Thats what i posted above lol but thanks for the tips. I got em a lil overfed then and a lil at the start of flower as well Sent from my SCH-I545 using Rollitup mobile app
  15. peacepipe17

    First encounter with bud rot!!

    Did you even delete your last post? Are you 15 yrs old or something!? Sent from my SCH-I545 using Rollitup mobile app