Recent content by ph03nix

  1. ph03nix

    My Photo Journal of Random Aussie-ness

    Sorry guys, I'm out of here... It's bad enough that RIU turned into a nursery school... not really my kind of place... that's why I haven't been here for a while... But then I was banned for 'disrespecting RIU'. I never bagged this place, only said that I was sick of all the childish displays...
  2. ph03nix

    My Photo Journal of Random Aussie-ness

    Hey all... I just thought I might show you some Aussie spiders... arachnaphobes beware!! A huntsman... Spiny wheel weaver... Master Wheel Weaver... St Andrew's cross... Trapdoor (northern variety)...
  3. ph03nix

    Wake n Bake, Nothing Better!

    Flirting = no touching. Touching (particularly any rubbing up action) = advance. Man... sometimes men are deliberately obtuse, I'm sure... no offence.
  4. ph03nix

    Wake n Bake, Nothing Better!

    Well then, I think you need to take the quasi out of the equation. She seems to be happy with the flirting... but perhaps you should just clarify the rest so that you know where you stand. You should be asking her what you should do in a situation such as this. Make it a completely clear...
  5. ph03nix

    Wake n Bake, Nothing Better!

    Yeah, but did 'go for it' mean go for 'IT', or was she referring to the flirting? If she's good with it and you want to do it... hey, what the hell??
  6. ph03nix

    Wake n Bake, Nothing Better!

    Are you hypothetically married? And does she hypothetically expect you to be faithful to her? Did she hypothetically tell you that before you married her? And did you marry her anyway?? In that case I think you would hypothetically have a responsibility to think about how she would feel about...
  7. ph03nix

    Wake n Bake, Nothing Better!

    Ar-ar :clap: :clap: :hump:
  8. ph03nix

    Wake n Bake, Nothing Better!

    Any proposal is only indecent until somebody accepts it... that is, until the price has been agreed on. I do think that most men's price would be lower than most women's though.
  9. ph03nix

    Wake n Bake, Nothing Better!

    :clap: Well said...
  10. ph03nix

    Wake n Bake, Nothing Better!

    Nah, it's just getting a bit chilly... I'm used to the warm... a tropical girl. It's not bad... sun's out and it's warm outside. That's no good if you're inside on the computer though. You'd probably hate me for complaining. Do as I say, not as I do. ;-)
  11. ph03nix

    Wake n Bake, Nothing Better!

    eg: Most women hate other women who are sluts... but they love the man-slut. :bigjoint:
  12. ph03nix

    Wake n Bake, Nothing Better!

    Not bad Stoney. I could complain about the weather, but I won't...
  13. ph03nix

    Wake n Bake, Nothing Better!

    Hey, the gang's all here... bongsmilie bongsmilie bongsmilie bongsmilie How is everyone??
  14. ph03nix

    Wake n Bake, Nothing Better!

    Happy birthday for tomorrow. Mine was a couple of weeks ago.
  15. ph03nix

    Wake n Bake, Nothing Better!

    not much robert... same shit different day, as they say... You??