Recent content by PhatAnna

  1. PhatAnna

    Is There An Afterlife?

    i have two theories which i cant really choose from. but i would like to let all of you know that all i know is that i know nothing:) so with that... first.... death is just death. our physical bodies die like any other thing. the mind (which i believe to be the soul) is nothing significant...
  2. PhatAnna

    larry's og kush?

    hey guys! winter break is over and im back :P stopped growing my first grow because i couldnt commit the time and because i was experimenting with other drugs (i<3college) :X and now im back lol yesterday i bought a clone from one of my dealers. he told me that it was called larry's og kush...
  3. PhatAnna

    Hydro Rw some major wilting (PICS)

    i gave it a feed on tuesday and i wake up today to find out that it did more dmg -_-.. everything is super wilty again. so ima just flush and wait it out for a few days...
  4. PhatAnna

    Hydro Rw some major wilting (PICS)

    i know its a poor way to decide but i just flipped a coin lol. ngt was heads and skunk was tails. it landed heads.... i guess its all risk. well no one got anywhere just by standing around.. lets do this T.T
  5. PhatAnna

    Hydro Rw some major wilting (PICS)

    i just want to cry right now T.T skunk and ngt.. you guys flip a coin -_- lol.. ok lets think of possibilities if you have the time that is... if i do feed it... ima feed it 3/4 nutes.. sooo if i do feed it and it starts going south.. what should i do? flush with with 5.8 again?
  6. PhatAnna

    Hydro Rw some major wilting (PICS)

    cant they just look better because the feed im getting them is cleaning the roots and such?
  7. PhatAnna

    Hydro Rw some major wilting (PICS)

    fuckkk.... iim so confused. people telling me its this and people telling me its that. nongreenthumb... i know you know your pot... its just other people reputable as you are are saying otherwise. can i get a second or possible a third opinion? T.T (4 inch RW)
  8. PhatAnna

    Hydro Rw some major wilting (PICS)

    ok these are the exact events that happened. friday morning.. found plants with nitrogen def. so i mixed up a soup with ionic grow full str and fed it. woke up 4 hours later and they were in terrible shape. i was just way too tired to find out more seeing how i didnt sleep for about 3 days...
  9. PhatAnna

    Hydro Rw some major wilting (PICS)

    here are some pictures. i dont understand what you mean by "plant actually in the middle"? is the plant in the middle? if thats what youre asking.. its not perfect but its pretty close to the middle. as for water. you see the picture with the small black tube? i basically stick that in the RW...
  10. PhatAnna

    AsianKatie's First Grow (Indoor)

    OMG YEYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY im so excited for you. yet... also very very jealous lol! T_____^ <------ my attempt at a happy/crying face lol
  11. PhatAnna

    PhatAnna's First Indoor Grow!!!!

    down in the san fernando valley all the asian girls smoke weed :) annd if they havent.. a lot of them are willing to try it ^.^b as for my updates.. i have shamed myself as a grower T.T haha. (my plants names are teresa and clare) teresa died and i had to chop off her head. if anyone knows the...
  12. PhatAnna

    Hydro Rw some major wilting (PICS)

    ok another question. what if it gets to the point where i need to add nutes cuz the plants are showing signs of deficiencies due to the fact i havent added nutes for awhile because of the flushes. what do i do then? just be patient and wait till it drys then add 1/2?
  13. PhatAnna

    AsianKatie's First Grow (Indoor)

    now thats just funny. i went to the hydro store yesterday because my plant has been having some problems and they gave me free stuff that raises plant immunities haha ^.^
  14. PhatAnna

    Hydro Rw some major wilting (PICS)

    i was talking to my friend at a hydro store about flushing. i was under the assumption that you only had to flush once but he said it was like a 3 day process. he gave me some kind of formula for free (perks of being a girl ^.^) it says DNF 4-1-1 enhance it just protects the plants from...
  15. PhatAnna

    PhatAnna's First Indoor Grow!!!!

    actually finding them? iono.. they wouldnt be very good growers if they were found that easily ^.^ as for the general area.. hit up cali :D