Recent content by pho20

  1. P

    Man killed in sacramento for trying to rob plants. One up for us growers *woot woot*

    shoot first ask questions later... how are u supposed to kno the guy doesnt have a gun when he jumps the fence?? u dnt kno so do u ask him if he has a gun or do u shoot him and not take the risk of getin shot urself?? i shoot especially if i live in sac
  2. P

    Carport GreenHouse 2011

    dam i hate fuckin spider mites they are a b**** to get rid of good luck hope they dont ruin your crop
  3. P

    About to harvest...

    u shud let it dry out first then u can put it in the freezer
  4. P

    rd116 Outdoor 2011

    i see alot of trimming in your future good job those look great
  5. P

    cen cal

    funny enough i just noticed the tiniest lil white hairs so i think she is flowering now
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    cen cal

    thanks guys and i did post in the outdoor forum lol
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    cen cal

    thanks for the input
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    cen cal

    yes outdoor been outside i beleive since late march or early april dont really remember its on the side of my house so it only gets 5 to 7 hours of direct light a day
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    cen cal

    im in cen cal and my ssh still hasnt started flowerin anybody have any ideas as to wen it shud start flowering???
  10. P

    Carport GreenHouse 2011

    how many weeks is the medi into flower??
  11. P

    Quick Question with pics. how long?

    atleast 4 to 5 weeks and im against trimming the leaves and i take off any small buds nawt getting direct light
  12. P

    Will it make the difference?? ??

    cheaper electricity bill
  13. P

    Growing for a collective/co-op

    all u have to do is go into a club and ask them if there intrested in buying ur weed like dan said tho it better be good and dont expect them to pay very much for it cause they wont