Recent content by phreaekie

  1. P

    Crazy Chemist, crazy grow

    Maxwell: I think they are looking great, couldn't be happier. I'll give 'em 6 wks and see where we stand. As far a tying them off, if you look close at my pic, you can see they aren't tied. I actually tie a loop in one end of the string and put the string around the base, going back through the...
  2. P

    Crazy Chemist, crazy grow

    Yeah, that is what it the pruning "article" did to me, so I figured I would just do what I know has worked before, and they seem to be liking it. Last night they got 9hrs night, on flower now, with bloom nutes. They need to be LST'd again, keep the canopy open. I could easily remove the 6800K...
  3. P

    Crazy Chemist, crazy grow

    ss420: Thanks for the kind reply. I am aware of the danger of moving the lights, but not sure if anyone had any experience. I am very sick of switching the lights around though. I think I will take your advice and say that a comparison of the flowering power of 2800K vs 6500K light. I guess I...
  4. P

    Crazy Chemist, crazy grow

    Again, if you are just reading this post, check out my last two posts, they are all recently updated pics just like the ones here. Here is my question. Everyone has seen that tight little spot I'm using, if not see my 2nd page of the journal to find my pics post. Here is my problem. The area...
  5. P

    Crazy Chemist, crazy grow

    So...the real trimming had to come. I'm not huge on lollipopping but this space is confined as hell. When I have lolli'd, I keep shade leaves as much as I can. Here, I kept and angled a lot of the leaves so they do not interfere with one another's bud site developement. I will be getting some...
  6. P

    Crazy Chemist, crazy grow

    So, I hope you have all finally gotten tired of waiting for an update, so here goes. Today/tomorrow marks 4 weeks total veg, started 24/0 1 wk, 20 1 wk, 18/6 2 wks. Little trims throughout, messing with little things, did some LST. I mixed bloom nutes yesterday and poured them in...full strength...
  7. P

    dont want to read shit, whats the quick lowdown on moleasses for final flush?
  8. P

    dont want to read shit, whats the quick lowdown on moleasses for final flush?

    K, kids, let's all go back to doing the normal stuff we do every day instead of whining all morning. Yeah, the dude's attitude sucks, I just won't answer him rather than even give him the pleasure of argument. Im growing with CFLs right now, but my HPS is nice. Makes the fattest buds. On the...
  9. P

    Crazy Chemist, crazy grow

    Hmm, so I hacked em pretty well also, I usually do clip but I let it slip some this time. Put up pics in an hour, they look good. May switch to bloom nutes by 11 central.
  10. P

    Crazy Chemist, crazy grow

    Thanks for the response, it is about time someone has some useful information out there. I plan to keep most of my shade leaves, but I am curious if you trimmed the popcorn buds themselves, or if you trimmed the whole little branch off. Like where the popcord bud starts at the shade leave node...
  11. P

    How to TRIM/thin properly...

    Hey guys. It seems no one can follow my grow journal with these stupid changes to the site. In any case, I am having a problem with branching, and how the bud sites at the nodes are growing those thin little stalks that look like they are gonna give me a bunch of popcorn. Instead, should I trim...
  12. P

    Soil Versus Hydro Cheese101

    Nothin yet cheese? Don't worry I subscribed now that I can't track this thread any more...oh well, let me know how things are going, updates seem sparse
  13. P

    rollitup sort it out pls

    Yeah, my grow journal has been impossible to track. Previously I had under 200 views and was getting replies every day. I asked about how to thin out some of my babies, I have since gotten almost 200 views with no reply on HOW TO TRIM MY GROW. Surely someone has done this before but either no...
  14. P

    Crazy Chemist, crazy grow

    Almost 200 views and no reply? Come on people...
  15. P

    Crazy Chemist, crazy grow

    Alright, so I know I haven't put up pics recently, but they are doing well. They are getting big and pics definitely will be up tomorrow. UNtil then I have a bigger problem. Other than being very crowded out of necessity, they are branching a lot. I have pics to accompany these, but I am...