Recent content by Pirate420

  1. P

    Plant leaves curling up, brown, crunchy & more

    The plant was almost 4 weeks old and i normally don't add to much if any nutrients since i had the FF soil. It was taking it well for the last two weeks. I will try to rehab it but it was a free seed so i might just ditch it. anyone know what might be the cause? I have the church growing...
  2. P

    Plant leaves curling up, brown, crunchy & more

    Hi, This will be brief because i'm heading out to class. Fed it last night and now it looks like this a day later. I had ff soil and ff nutrients. may have been heavy feeding but no more than usual. About 3 weeks old. Under t5 24w. Bad picture- camera wouldn't focus correctly. I think it...
  3. P

    ATTITUDE seed bank PROBLEMS! please help

    I had that happen one day when you could get 5 types of free seeds for free(you pay shipping). I think server got overloaded to be honest. I tried putting the order through 5 times(where it was running credit card) and didn't even think of wether or not it would would charge it that many...
  4. P

    i have two 14w t5's and a 150w hps

    if you lst and keep it close to the light it should be sufficient as long as you don't veg forever. I used to use a 150w hps and your get some decent nugs. Nothing to big though. Gets you just as high, just less of it.
  5. P

    Gettin Close?? 8.5 wks flower, lots o PICS

    Plants look awesome. Some of hairiest i've seen :P Judging by hairs it looks pretty ready. Some people say 70% amber 30% white hairs. Only way for sure is to check trichs though. as person says above- buy miniscope.
  6. P

    what strains taste like pine trees christmas trees?

    Romulan tastes super piney. Pretty strong. Shit got me stoned :P
  7. P

    Longhorn's Super Lemon Haze Grow!!

    Thats some very compact looking plants. They look great! i'm subscribed. I actually ordered some pick and mix super lemon haze so i'm very interested in how the plant grows. This is my next grow after pineapple express.
  8. P


    Tracking for usps is normal. I could never get anything out of them. I ordered the stealth and I got it in 4 days on west coast. It was great. Normal shipping took about 7-10 days. Give it some time though. They always come through.
  9. P

    attitude shipment

    I didn't get my second free seed when I ordered it two weeks ago. They gave me two of the first free ones so it wasn't all bad. I did the guaranteed method and got it in 4 days from order and i live on west coast.
  10. P

    I want a Beauty...

    Also... Atleast for me the bowl size was really important. Alot of pieces have these wimpy ass bowls that barely fit a few leaves. I like to be able to fit my whole finger in there :) Anyways its always better going to local smoke shop. They have better variety and such. I found an awesome...
  11. P

    400Watt HPS help

    did the person you buy it from turn it on infront of you to make sure it works? If ballast turns on it could be a defective bulb but unlikely since its brand new. However, it's always possible.
  12. P

    Buds thin not dense

    I only ask because it has been with all my strains. This has been the biggest so far. I'm at 8 weeks or right around there. It took 3 weeks from flowering for it to start to show sex. so if not counting that then 5 weeks. The hairs are about 10% brown. I usually wait until about 80-90%...
  13. P

    Buds thin not dense

    Bump nothing at all?
  14. P

    Buds thin not dense

    Hi, I look for help again from the most experienced people :) So... my Power Skunk that i got from Attitude seed bank has been flowering for about 4-5 weeks. This is my fourth grow. I have never had any success with getting dense buds. They are super crystallized but not dense. I've grown...
  15. P

    Summer sun Vs. Winter Sun

    According to Astronomy(which i'm taking right now and this is a general common fact)-What causes seasons is how the Earth is tilted. From the picture you can see that during summer in the northern hemisphere, the earth is tilted down(more lumens per square foot) and the sun has a more direct...